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Can Guest Posting Increase Your Traffic

Posted: 26 Mar 2010 08:08 PM PDT

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The hot trend in blogging these days is guest posting. It is rumored that if you can get a slot in a high traffic blog for your post to be published, your blog will experience the server roasting ‘Digg Effect”. Your blog will then be propelled to a state where you will become so popular that you will need a dedicated server to host your blog thereafter.

Even though we are always advised not to listen to rumors, rumors usually remains the most “believable”. Thus, many traffic starved bloggers clamor for position in an A-list blog, hoping that at least one of their submitted articles will get published someday.

Why Do Popular Blogs Invite Guest Posting

Come on… They have been at it for so long that they have long burned themselves out of topics to write. Hiring good writers can be an expensive affair and they need good contents for their blog everyday.

Getting guest writers are FREE. They can even choose the best. They only pay with a link or two which cost them nothing but some Google juice.

Their argument is the guest poster gets good publicity, which in a sense is true, the guest poster gets link juice, which again is quite true, the guest poster gets his traffic which to a certain extent is also true.

You know what else is true? Besides getting free and high quality contents for their blogs, they are also scrapping in more traffic for themselves from the guest poster’s blog. Ten out of ten times when a blogger gets their article published in a very popular blog, they will be bragging in all sundry about their achievement in their own blog. They will be telling all his readers, however minimal, to go read that article.

Is that what we call a win win situation? Frankly, I feel the guy accepting the guest post wins bigger.

Facts About Guest Blogging (assuming that your article has indeed been published.)

You will receive about 5 percent of all the traffic that the A list blog gets on the day your article is published. Maybe even less. So if that blog (where your article appeared) gets 10,000 visitors on the day your article appeared, you will at most get about 500 curious hits. Hardly enough to toast your server just yet.

These traffic are there just to check you out, wondering what made you or your blog so special to deserve a place in the A-list blog. The rest will read your article on site, that is on the A lister’s blog, leave a courtesy comment there, then leave without even looking at the link that you are allowed to place at the bottom of the article. They will not be even be bothered or interested to find out who the hell you are, or were.

The 500 or so who came a calling on that first day, if your blog suits them, you might get some of them subscribing. That’s all. Will they be coming back for more? They might but I doubt.

In the following days, when your article gets pushed down and eventually out, you will be back to square one. Then you might be thinking since it works this way, what if you get accepted every week. Then you can piggy back for traffic all your life.

Again assuming, assuming that you are such a terrific writer that the A list blogger really loves your article and publishes them whenever you submit one, would then the traffic keeps get diverted in? Sadly, no. By that time, his readers are so used to you that they take will start to take you for granted as a writer for that blog. They will not be bothered even if you have a blog of your own.

We have to understand that all A list blogs depends on their loyal followers. Their readers takes them as their mentor, their guru, their inspiration to live and blog There are there solely because of that blogger and what he can provide them. Not because of someone else standing in his place. They love him and only him. They are not going to fall in love with you as just because one day, he lets you occupy his seat for a while.

Unless of course if you process such charisma, such talent, such attractiveness, that you manage to convince 80 percent of his followers to love you as much as they love that guy. Do you have the ability to do that in the one day that he let you stand in for him?

Might just as well take the link he gave in return for your effort and forget the rest. If Google happens to be updating their Page rank on the day that your article is still in the front page, your article and the links he allowed you in return might at least account for something worthwhile.

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