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How Your Mental State Should Be When You Want To Promote A Product

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 08:00 PM PST

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Many bloggers suffers a dilemma when they want to start promoting or sell a product in the initial stages. Due to the constant bombarding of advise from blog gurus telling them to keep good blogging ethics, build up trust among their readers, have high quality contents, so on and so forth, many feels terrible having to write something that they feel will make their readers lose their trustworthiness that they have built up for themselves.

Thus when it comes to monetizing their blogs, they would rather stick to the proven method of simply inserting some CPC Ads which somehow or rather has been accepted as non offensive by the masses. Even then, they try to hide it so their precious readers will not feel intruded by the Ads. When they decide to add some affiliate links, they declare it very prominently to their readers that this is an affiliate link and they will be making money if it is clicked. It is as though they have placed a piece of shit in their pavement and they are warning visitors that if they step on it, they will stink all their way home.

What a strange mentality.

Then after some months they will write a couple of rant post complaining about their lack of clicks and no earnings, which quite strangely is also accepted by their readers and some even offer they sympathies.

What a laughable mentality. By both the bloggers and their readers.

Affiliate Products

Is it really that spiteful to be making money from your blog?

That you must be so very apologetic about it? If you really feel so bad about it, just do not do it. If you want to be a gentleman, want to be the best goody two shoes, then simply refrain from inserting any Ads and affiliate links. Show your readers that you are a purist. You don’t blog for money, not even a little for your pockets.

Inserting a link and then by telling everyone, “hey, this is an affiliate link, I will make money if you click on it” shows that you are one big hypocrite. In your heart, you are actually dying for people to click on that link so you can make some dough.


Don’t be one. You want to make money from your blog, so make money. What is wrong with that? If you want people clicking on that link, let them click on their own free will. Make it a free for all. What is the point of the warning? In fact, successful marketers cloaks their links so people cannot even recognize that it is an affiliate link when they hover their mouse over it to check.

So What Is The Best Approach

There are two.

Flush all your conscience and ethics down the shit bowl.

Do it if you want to but it is something I don’t practice or advocate as I still would like to keep some clear conscience so I can sleep better at night. Going this way means you are totally on the dark side.

People who does things this way are smart people. They know their readers well. They know their weakness and their needs and they take full advantage of them by selling them every crap they they can lay hands on. In most instances, they might not even have seen or used that crap.

They can come up with a crappy ebook or they go to places like Clickbank, look up for products that they think will be “useful” for their readers. Pick one, sign up and without even seeing it in real time, write a super fantastic and duper convincing review of that product so their readers will start buying.

They can do it with so much gung ho that I think even they themselves are convinced in the end. Then they can go to bed, not tossing around but sleep with a smile in their face.

If you can bring yourself to this mental state and live with such a mindset, which I see many has, who am I to say anything. That is what marketers do.

affiliate links

Selling With A Clear Conscience.

Can you ever sell anything to people with a clear conscience. You can if you have passion for that product. I can sell my 30 year old piece of junk that I call a car and I can tell the potential buyer that is a a good car because to me, IT IS a good car. Forget about the missing side mirror, forget about the rusting floorboards, it has served me well, and it is good. So I sell it as I see it. Good.

Likewise, if you have used a product or have a product of your own, and you loved it so much, have so much trust in it, have so much passion for it, you can sell it and promote it to kingdom come with all the goodness that you can think off. You can write your super fantastic and duper convincing sales copy without a tinge of guilt.

For all I know, like my old junk, it can be a piece of crap that you are selling to others. To me my old junk is a piece of antique. To others it is just a piece of rotting metal. If I sold it to an admirer, he will feel he got a good deal. I too can go to bed with a smile on my face.

So promote and sell as you should. Make no pretense that you are promoting that product. Make Google love your post as much as possible. Tell your readers that you have used that product and you have found it to be super duper. Praise the product to the sky. Don’t ever mention that it may be the second best. It has been the best for you, so say IT IS THE BEST.

Lastly, do not be scared about that affiliate link. Don’t make it as though you have been forced to add the link that you must forewarn people about clicking. When you insert Adsesne, don’t try to hide it as though it is a crime. Everyone knows your motive is to make money so there is no point trying to cover up. Thicken your skin, quietly admit to yourself that you are one big money faced bugger and make that link clear, visible and click-able.

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