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Black Hat Way To Get Traffic

Posted: 28 Feb 2010 11:22 PM PST

black hat marketing

Generally speaking, any “thing” that you use to make life easy for you as a blogger can be considered black hat or at least grey hat, if that “thing” is not something really extreme. Most of the time, this thing is a script which automates the most boring and difficult task like site building, link building, manipulating Google’s algorithms so you get good rankings or simple but labor intensive tasks like social bookmarking or article submitting. The most sought after one of course is the one that could bring massive traffic in a short span of time.

Believe it or not, I think there are scripts to do almost anything. Only problem is, Google is fast to detect such scripts and before you can wriggle your big toe, your site will be de-indexed to kingdom come, never to see the lights of the day ever again.

Black Hat is considered evil, unethical or even illegal. The world is such that if you do anything evil, unethical or illegal, you will gain the most in the shortest time. You can rob a bank in fifteen minutes and become an instant millionaire while it will take years or your whole life if you do things legally, like having a 9 to 5 or selling some fish and chips.

Provided you don’t get caught, that is. However, people still takes the risk, for it is the fast-track to big fortune.

In the World Wide Web, things are no different and this is even made more attractive because you simply do not end up in jail for using a script to increase your traffic. The only misfortune that will be-fall you is a de-indexed site or a black listed IP address, by which time, you would have made a bundle from the traffic you have gotten for the past couple of months.

It has also a cool factor to it. When you tell your friends you know black hat, they take their “hats” of for you. You get awed by others because you are so awesome to know such ‘dirty’ secrets to success. They want to be your friends so they can tell their friends that they have friends who knows black hat. They too indirectly becomes a cool kid because now, everyone will want to make friends with them hoping that they will get to know you.

It is just like whispering into your friend’s ears that you are buddy buddy with the meanest gangster in town. Like they will give you that eye-popping stare with a open mouth and a breathless, “You Doooo??!!!” Makes you feel good and important doesn’t it?

What more if you are the mean black hatter yourself, doing black hatting in your sites. Imagine the respect you will get from all those noobs.

In recent weeks I am seeing something sneaky being constantly used and it took me quite a while to fiqure out that this is another black hat script to get traffic. What it does is it will register a hit in your statscounter coming from a certain url that you have never seen before. In every instance, I was fooled to click on that link because I want to find out how and from what site the hit came from.

I don’t have to tell you I got sent to some totally irrelevant site with some suspicious links.

By all means, this is very clever. Even now that I know I might be fooled yet again, I will be still clicking whenever I see new hits from new URLs. I think everyone else will do the same thing too. They will want to know if someone had hyper-linked their blog which resulted in the hit.

I take my hats of the black hatter for coming up with such a brilliant idea to get traffic. I might not be one to be fooled twice, but I am sure thousands of others will. May you make your bundle……. then please stop.

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