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Selling Products In A Single Page Site

Posted: 02 Mar 2010 07:50 PM PST

single sites

There was a time not too long ago when I was all crazy with building single page sites and selling a single item in each of these sites with the 7 Dollar Script. Building single page sites is easy and once you get the hang of it, it normally will not ake more than 3 hours before you see your sites up and running. Provided of course, you have everything, like your domain name and hosting ready.

To have products to sell, I joined a few PLR sites where once you become a member, you get to download lots of products like eBooks, Articles and scripts that comes with Private Label Rights or Master ReSell Rights. Fees are of course monthly recurring, but it was okay. A couple of sales will cover most of the monthly fees. If you can manage to sell something, that is.

A small recap for those who does not know what are Private Label Rights products and Master ReSell Rights Products. PLR or Private label Rights products are downloadable products like eBooks which the owner or the creator has given whoever has bought the product the rights to change and repackage the product. Some comes with limited rights and some unlimited rights. If you have unlimited rights, you can change anything you want from the cover of the eBook to the name of the author to that of yours.

Master ReSell Rights products on the other hand lets you resell the product at your own price, but you can’t claim credit for the product like changing the author name or re-writing the book as yours.

When you download these products, a lot will comes with a ready made website. All you have to do is insert your shopping cart links, download links and you are ready to launch yet another site selling another product.

Selling products on a single site

Some eye wash before continuing your long journey

Can You Really Sell And make Money?

When you come to think of it, it is really tough to sell a product with a single page site. However, some really do well with these sites, but they have to work their butts out optimizing every site they built and that becomes very tedious and tiring. Those whose sites are successful have to spend days building up links to the site in order to rank for their chosen buying keywords.

For example, if you are selling a eBook on rose gardening, you have to rank for keywords like “How To Create A Beautiful Rose Garden.” When people looking to build a rose garden types in those words in Google, and if your site ranks top for those keywords, you will get almost all the hits. Out of a hundred hits, you might get 5 to 10 sales, because your traffic is very targeted and it only attracts those who are interested in rose gardening.

In theory, if your site just gets that 100 hits per month, and if you sell your eBook for say, $27, there is a possibility that you can make $270 per month from that one site that has only one single page with no updating needed.

So the road to success with this method of making money online is numbers. If you have 50 such sites and 10 makes that kind of money, you will have an income of $2,700 per month. So you keep building to increase your chances of having more successful sites.

How To make These Sites Successful

Links, links and more links. It is a known fact that the more backlinks you get, the higher your site will rank in the SERPs. Since it is just a single page site, devoid of contents like a blog where Google gets lots of chances to index your posts, the only way to build up an authority for your keywords is to get as many backlinks as possible using a combination of anchor text that contains your targeted keywords.

A big block of your time will be spent just on building links. It is a process made even more difficult because people never wants to link to such a site voluntarily. If you have the resources, of course you can buy them, but unless one is confident the site will get the returns, not many will want to spend this kind of money. Thus most go the free way of getting those required links.

Getting Those Backlinks Is Back Breaking

Free ways include submitting the site using the preferred keywords tags to tons and tons of social bookmarking sites, scuttle sites and lately plique sites. To reduce time doing it manually, I bought BookMarking Demon a script that does this submission automatically, for $87. It is really a kick ass script that can get you thousands of backlinks in a short span of time. Some have called this a black hat script, but I don’t consider it one. It only automates our work and is not doing anything illegal.

Another way is Article submission. Write a few different keyword related articles with links to your site and submit them to another ton of Article Directories. Of course there are also scripts available to automate the submissions. Too bought one for another $57 bucks. Some higher end ones can even churn out articles for you automatically. You only need to punch in your keywords, Then there are membership sites that specializes in article submissions.

Now all these are low value links, but the sheer numbers you get makes up for it. Along with these tons of low value links, you will need some quality links to even out. This is the toughest part. Getting Links by commenting on relevant blogs.

Stop. Smell the flowers first

Commenting For Links Is An Art

There are also scripts to automate comments but all your comments will end up in the Spam Bin. The only way you can get good quality links is to do it manually.

You just don’t go to any Tom. Dick and Harry’s blog and start bullshiting away. They will either delete your comment or worse still ’spam’ you and when that happens, you will be black listed as a spammer by Akismet and all your future comments will automatically end up as spams.

You also do not want to waste your precious time and effort commenting on post that are irrelevant, has ‘no-follow’, has no PR or has tons of other comments in them.

The best place to comment on are from ‘do-follow’ blogs that are relevant to your site. Using SEO Quake, find out the posts that are indexed by Google, preferably one that has some Page Rank and no one else has commented on. Your comment then, will get all the juice. Of course make sure you comment legitimately with some good feed back to that post. Not just one liners like, “Good Post” That is the worst comment you can give.

I did say getting backlinks is a back breaking process, did I not?

Is It Worth All The Trouble?

If you want to make a living that way, that’s is the way it is. Not many can persevere under these pressure. I, for one gave up. It gets really frustrating and stressful. The first phase of site building part is fun. The second phase sucks.

Is It Still Viable To Build Single page Sites?

Yes if you have a mailing list. The conclusion I came to is, single sites are best adapted by list marketers or email marketers.

These people still builds single page sites for every product they sell or are selling. For one, they do not need to do all the things above. They have ready traffic on their list of emails. They do not even need to learn SEO. As long as their list is big enough, like in thousands or tens of thousands, all they need is to set their autoresponders to mass send those emails.

I think every Internet Marketer knows the meaning of the phrase, “The Money Is In The List” That’s why you see those listed bloggers encouraging and luring your to sign up for their newsletters. They are simply harvesting for emails to build up their list.

Then of course, there are also scripts which lets you build up a list of thousands within a few minutes automatically. But then, that is another story for another day.

These days, I sell all my products under one roof, not in a single page site, but in a single blog site. Now I only need to work on one single blog instead of a hundred single page sites. I feel much more relieved and have my hypertension under control.

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