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How To Imitate A Successful Blogger

Posted: 16 Mar 2010 08:35 PM PDT

Imitate Successful Blogs

Imitation is the highest form of flattery, so say some wise guys. It is because a product is good that it becomes a target for imitators. It is also because a blogger is good or at least make themselves appear to be good that they become imitation targets. I imitate too and so should you, but when you imitate, imitate wisely, not blindly.

All successful bloggers wants you to imitate them, especially those who are in the MMO genre. They want you to do what they do to make money online. They beg you to listen to them, trust them and copy them. The most common given reason is, they want to help you to make money too. They do not like to see you struggling and suffering. All of them are sent by God to save this world from poor and languishing bloggers hoping to make some money in the Net. They are saints in a manner.

So do what they are trying to teach you. Imitate them.

What They Want You To Imitate.

They will write many great posts revealing their make money secrets. Many also will take great efforts to compile all their secrets into an eBook and give it away for free. Being the great guys that they are, they want you to subscribe to their newsletters first before giving you the book so that if they have even better tips in future, you will be the first to be informed.

In the post or the eBook, they will reveal to you all the programs that they use to make their millions. You are of course encouraged to use them too, just like them, so you too can make millions like them. Being the ardent student, you too will want to sign up or buy whatever that they are using. You want to imitate their success, just do what they do. Else how are you going to succeed and be as wealthy as them.

In the process of this imitation, the “imitatee” becomes richer and you, the imitator just became poorer. It was a good imitation process for them. They have achieved what they set out for. Looking for imitators and they have succeeded. They have made many extra sales and they will be making more sales as more imitators wannabe comes along every day.

What You SHOULD Imitate Instead

Imitating that way is called blind imitation. You did not see the real motive behind the eBook or the “secret revealing” post. You blindly believe that by buying what they proclaimed are using to make money, you too will make the same. For all you know, they might not even have used the product themselves. The real motive is to get you to imitate them and buy from them or via their links.

So what should you imitate?

Imitate Their Shrewdness.

You should be as shrewd as them. Never sell a product outright. If you are going to write a post and tell people Product A is a product that will make you thousands, then praise the product to the sky, people will look at you with suspicion. They will not take you for real.

Instead, post something related first. Like how you manage to get so make Adsense clicks within a day or like how you manage to get so many subscribers in a month. Tell them your history, Tell them the hard work you went through. Warm up your audience. make their mouths water.

Only then tell them about the product or the eBook that will make all this happen and if you have had it or used it during your earlier days, you would not have to go through all your sufferings. Tell them you only want to help them reduce their hardship. Be the saint, not the devil.

Imitate Their Cunning

Never reveal your real motive that you are making money off their backs. Nobody likes to be taken advantage off so do not in any what way give them the impression that you are taking advantage of their ignorance.

Always write something helpful and always maintain that you are only trying to help them. Again, be the saint, not the devil.

Imitate Their Styles and Methods.

See how they brand themselves. Imitate how they write their post and how they make themselves to be the saint. Follow also how to structure their articles so whoever is reading it really gets that impression that it is a helpful post.

If you have to, you too can photo-shop a screen shot of your earnings or whatever statistics that might be helpful. It pumps up your reputation greatly to provide photographic proof.

That is how you should imitate a successful blogger. Imitate everything they do, not everything they want you to do. I doubt they teach you these in any webinar, academy or e courses that you paid hundreds for.

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