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Design Your Own Free Blog logo

Posted: 06 May 2010 09:39 PM PDT

Design Your Own Logo

Every blog should have their own unique logo, at least I think so. Those who visits this blog daily would have noticed I have changed logos countless times. That’s because I am a real fussy old man and I can’t decide if the design is good, bad or even suitable. All the previous logos were made by me and not being a trained graphic designer, I have this silly complex that keeps telling me that the logos looks amateurish.

It is my opinion that a good logo is one that can be branded. Which means when people sees the logo it should remind them of this blog. Therefore, the logo should be one that can be used as your gravatar or avatar so if you comment long and hard enough at others blog, your logo will be eventually be recognized as you or your blog. It is much easier to recognize a logo than a picture of yourself, unless you look as good as Tom Cruise or the other way round, which obviously I do not.

I am sure there are many like me who do not have the talent to design a logo for themselves and paying a professional is totally out of the question. The best alternative is to utilize those logo designing sites which lets you make your own log with their professionally designed artwork.

One of the better known ones is Logomaker. There you can mix and match and come up with a really nice looking logo for free. The downside is you have to pay to download your creation.

The next best one is Logo Ease. a free online logo designing software by Logo Design which designs professional logos for $149 a piece. Though their graphics and fonts are not as extensive as Logomaker, whatever you created can be downloaded for free. Your downloaded file will include the graphics in different file formats and size and there is even a photoshop file of your creation so you can add even more styling to your creation. If you plan to do so, make a note of the fonts that you have used so that you can download the fonts into your computer. The link is available in their front page. Otherwise, photoshop will replace whatever you have used with a different one.

The blog logo I am using at this very moment is done at Logo Ease and had some extra styles added with photoshop. Don’t ask me about the snake to replace the “S”. That was the only graphic that I found suitable to resemble the letter. Furthermore, I have always said, Bloggers and Internet marketers have forked tongues, so I guess it can also stand for my beliefs. Hopefully I will keep this logo for good.

If you too would like to make a free logo for your blog, try your talent at Logo Ease

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