Latest From Blogigs - How To Replace Your WordPress Admin Password Manually

Latest From Blogigs - How To Replace Your WordPress Admin Password Manually

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How To Replace Your WordPress Admin Password Manually

Posted: 19 May 2010 07:39 PM PDT

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If you, like me has one blog too many and some of them haven’t been touched for months, chances are you would have forgotten your WordPress Admin login password. The ideal solution, of course is to send an email to WordPress and have them send you a replacement password, but in my case last night, I can’t even recall the email address I used for that particular blog. What can you do in situations like this?

You can replace your password manually using the PHPmyadmin panel in your cPanel.

Log in to your cPanel, click on the PHPmyadmin icon to open phpMyAdmin. On your left panel you will see all you blogs database. If you have more than one, choose the one that you want the password replaced. You will then be presented with all the your database tables for your blog. It looks something like this. `

Click on wp-users and the right pane will open this table.

The bunch of letters and numbers under the user_pass column is your original WordPress Login password. Unfortunately it has been encrypted and stored by WordPress in something called MD5 hash for security reasons so you can’t see the real value.

Obviously, to replace your login password, you will have to replace that bunch of cryptic codes. The catch is, you too will have to encrypt your new password in the same MD5 hash format or else it will not be recognized.

There are may sites that has this encrypting script which you can use. All you have to do is to Google for the words, MD5 hash and you should find them. I used this site called, Javascript MD5 Type in your new password then hit the MD5 button. It will generate the cryptic codes for you. Copy those codes to your clipboard.

Return to your phpMYadmin – wp_users panel. Click on the pencil icon. In the table on your right, in the user_pass column, highlight the original cryptic password codes, then paste in the new codes. Hit the GO button to save.

You will now be able to log in to your Wordpress Admin with your new password. When you think about it, you will shudder at the thought of how easy it is for a hacker to replace your password and play havoc with your blog. It is something beyond our control and the only solution is to choose a reliable web host.

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