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Price Of Thesis 2 WordPress Theme

Posted: 24 May 2010 07:41 PM PDT

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The above image shows the current Adword gimmick by DIY Themes announcing the “coming” of Thesis 2. The short description also states that it will be “$297, early birds gets for less”. Take no notice of the second Ad. It’s a copycat Ad by some affiliate marketers who literally copied everything, down to his/her landing page which looks 99.9 percent similar to the one that DIY Themes has put up. Wondering whether their Internet hounds will be released to hound that fellow. LOL

Anyway, Thesis 2 has been on the drawing boards since the release of Thesis 1.6, but along the way, for some reason or another, DIY themes decided it would be better to call the latest update Thesis 1.7 instead of Thesis 2. Maybe it is a marketing strategy to keep everyone on their toes for the Version 2. It is a phycological thing in humans that all businessmen takes advantage of. If something jump from Version 1 to 2, it gives the product a “grown up” feel. It could also be that they felt that the update to 1.7 was too minor to justify the Theme “maturing” to version 2.

Thesis 1.7 Is Not Selling To Expectation

To run an Ad campaign announcing the “coming” of the latest version without announcing when, is clearly a sales gimmick to boost sales for the present version. They are banking on the “scared to lose out” feeling affecting the minds of all living beings. It is similar to the long queues you see at filling stations when news of petrol price increasing hit the streets and is a very good tactic to boost dwindling sales.

If I can take my sales of the Thesis Theme here as a benchmark, then I will say sales of Thesis 1.7 has dropped almost 90%. When I used to consistently make at least 10 sales per month, sales has dropped to only 3 for the past 2 months.

Of course I have to disclaim that I am only taking my site here as an example, others might not have suffered the same fate as me as I have not taken other factors into consideration. But then, when you have been making 10 sales a month and then suddenly it drops to 1 despite sending almost the same amount of traffic, you can’t help but feel something fishy and not right going on. But being me, rather than speculate on what it could be and making some wild accusations that I can never prove, I prefer to move on. Which is why I have taken down all Thesis banners.

Too Many Free Thesis 1.7 On The Net

There is one clear factor though that I can say for sure as to why sales is affected. Thesis 1.7 is freely distributed by so many that anyone can lay their hands on a free copy and save themselves $167. I think by now, everyone already knows how and where to delete those encrypted links.

Is Thesis Worth $297

Hopefully, my hunch is right and this Advertisement is just a sales gimmick to boost sales for Thesis 1.7. Personally, I feel the developers are not that foolish to price themselves out of the competition. Furthermore, they said the price increase will only effect the developer’s version which is quite strange. Are they only going to upgrade the developer’s version and let the personal version stay stagnant at version 1.7? Then again, if this is so, who will want to buy a version which they know is out dated. OR, if I be permitted to think fanciful for a little while, they plan to give away the personal version and sell only the developer’s version. Ha. Ha.

In any case, they can always go back on their words later on and say something nice like they have your welfare in mind, so they have decided to stick to the old price. Then everyone will be cheering them for their kindness and this might even be good for the sales of Thesis 2 when it is released.

Taking the worse of scenarios and price of Thesis 2 does go up to $297, is it still worth it?

Strictly my personal opinion here. Even though I am still promoting the Theme here albeit not so vigorously and I stand to make more if the price does goes up, my answer is NO! It is not worth it.

I will not be recommending people to spend close to 300 bucks for a theme when there are many others who are on par and cost half the price.

I mean, a theme is a theme. You can only do so much to the framework. There will come a day when all that can be done would have been done and all it needs are upgrades in tandem with WordPress. Unless Mr Pearson decides to make the Theme independent from WordPress, which I am highly confident he is capable of doing, I think as a consumer, I will opt for other WordPress Themes like the Frugal, which at the present version 3.5 if far more superior than the Thesis theme in terms of customizations.

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