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How To Start Your Own Affiliate Program

Posted: 02 May 2010 08:47 PM PDT

How To Start Your own Affiliate Program

A while ago I wrote a series on How To Sell Your Own Products With Your WordPress Blog. In that series, I discussed on how you can integrate the 7 Dollar Script into your WordPress blog so you can sell your download-able products using PayPal. It is a simple process that all can use to great effect if you have a blog that has good rankings for the niche you are blogging about. All you have to do is to sell something related to your niche. In most instances, you WILL be able to make some sales every month.

No doubt, doing it this way can be lots of fun and encouragement when you see your first sale, there will come a time, that you will want to take things a step further. Instead of just selling the items by yourself which limits your customer base to only those who are coming to your blog, why not let others sell it for you as well? Why not have affiliates selling it for you too? You will make less for each product sold as you will have to pay your affiliates, but this is evened out by the extra sales you will be getting.

Starting Your Own Affiliate Programs To Sell Your Own Products

When it comes to starting an affiliate program, many will just freeze out with the impression that this is something for professional marketeers and it will be lots of extra work which they will not be able to handle. It might be so if you go the way of using your own in-house affiliate scripts where you have do all the back-end work yourself, but if you use networks like Clickbank, PayDotCom, eJunkie or whatever, almost all the work is taken off your shoulders. The work involved in starting an affiliate program with these networks will not be anymore complicated than applying for an Adsense account.

Now of course, that is not to say you do not have to do anything at all.

  1. Common sense will tell you that you will need a quality product that people will want to buy and that will take some research and development.
  2. You must have the knowledge to build a simple mini site, so knowing html is essential.
  3. You must have a good web host that will let you host unlimited domains so you can start as many sites to sell as many products as you like.
  4. Finally, you must know how to approach Clickbank or PayDotCom, upload your products and get as many affiliates as possible to promote your products.

The first 2 parts are things that I cannot help you with, but if you Google for it, there are tons of free information available. For the third part, if you want my recommendation, I will recommend Bluehost and for the final part, I will recommend this video series by Phil Bowman.

Learning How To Start Your Own Affiliate Program

If you are a regular here, you will know that I don’t recommend anything that I have not seen or used beforehand. Reason being, I have been conned so many times into parting with my hard earned money buying load of craps. So I make it my own rule of law here that I do not do the same thing to others.

There have been many instances of Internet Marketers emailing me asking to review their products by sending me complimentary copies. Some do not even bother to do that, expecting me to review their products just by showing me their sales page. So far, I think I have only done one or two which I personally find would be useful and money will be well spent. It is for this fact that, I am recommending this video series by Phil.

Make Affiliate Cash

Phil sent me complimentary copies of the videos and over the weekend, I watched all the 7 parts that the series contained and in all honesty, I find it very useful for those who wants to start to sell their own products in Clickbank or PayDotCom. All this while, the advise by many Internet Marketing gurus teaching you to make money online is to go to Clickbank, grab a product and start inserting links in your blogs. Rarely do they teach you to SELL your own products and have others going to Clickbank to grab YOUR products instead.

This is what this Video series teaches. It teaches you how to get a product into Clickbank or PayDotCom, insert the payment links, and get the affiliate marketers to come and sell that product for you. You will also learn basically how to insert your download links into your download page. I feel that part was a bit basic, but I think Phil is doing on the assumption that you already know how to set up a simple mini site on your own. Frankly, anyone who has graduated to the stage where they are ready to sell their own products should have learned that by now.

Starting from part 3 onwards, what you will learn are gems especially if you do not have a single idea about selling your products in Clickbank. It might just be basics for those who has dabbled in this area but the whole idea of this video series is for beginners who wants to start their own affiliate programs. So I would advise all those who already knows how to stay away. It will do you no good and does not teach you anything that you do not already know. There are no magic secrets.

The videos are presented as a matter of factly without any hard-sell or over zealous claims. It only teaches you the skills of the trade and nothing else. If you acquire the skills and know how, how much you make will be entirely up to you and over the entire series, I did not hear Phil say even once that you will make millions using what he has taught you.

Phil only asked me for a feedback and maybe possibly write him a testimonial after I have viewed the videos. I have taken it a step further simply because I feel at $27, this would be a worthy buy if you are keen to start making some serious money by starting your own affiliate program.

Download The More Affiliate Cash Video Series.

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