Latest From Blogigs - Use Fancy Custom Fonts For Your WordPress Blogs

Latest From Blogigs - Use Fancy Custom Fonts For Your WordPress Blogs

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Use Fancy Custom Fonts For Your WordPress Blogs

Posted: 28 May 2010 08:11 PM PDT

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See the fancy fonts that my blog title is using? I have been trying to do this for, like ages and ages but without any luck. I have also tried many plugins that are suppose to do this but still no joy. Until now that is. It is also the latest offering from Google. You can now use custom fonts for your Wordpress Blogs usingfonts from the Google Font Directory.

Still in beta, Google Font Directory lets you embed the fonts available in their directory using the Google Font API. which makes it super easy. The directory even generates the codes for you and all yo have to do is to copy and paste the codes to your Theme’s file.

For you to use the Fonts, simply go to the Font directory, hover your mouse over the fonts you want and hit the “Click to embed….” link. On the new page, click “Get the code”. You will be given 2 lines of codes. One for you to paste into your header php file and another in your Stylesheet so you can style it even further. For newbies, you will find this <head> tag in your header php file. Paste the codes immediately or anywhere AFTER this tag.

The css codes comes with the h1 selector but you can use it anywhere you want. The h1 class is normally used for the Blog title. You can use it for your post titles like in my case (which will normally be h2) or for your sidebar titles, or even your overall contents if you like. You will just need to identify under which class the are attributed to. For example if you decide to use it for your sidebar title, the normal codes will look something like this,

sidebar h2 { #000000; font-family: Arial; font-size: 20px;} so on and so forth.

It might differ from theme to theme but the general idea is you change the font-family value to that of the font that you have chosen then play around with the color and the size after the fonts are showing. Different fonts reacts to different sizes.

The only downside is the fonts available in Google Font Directory is rather limited at present but Google being the giant that it is, you can rest assured the list will grow in future.

Have fun experimenting using your own fancy custom fonts for your blogs.

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