Michael Gray - Graywolf's SEO Blog

Michael Gray - Graywolf's SEO Blog

Review of WeBuildPages Link Building Services

Posted: 19 Apr 2010 09:06 AM PDT

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When I announced I was doing sponsored posts/reviews again, one of the first people to contact me was Jim Boykin of  WeBuildPages. He let me know he was interested in getting a review of his link building services. To be honest, I had some concern about reviewing another SEO’s services. I told Jim that, if things didn’t work I didn’t want to give him a bad review and would just cancel the review. Thankfully that never was an issue.

While I would usually disclose the website used in a review, doing so doesn’t seem like a wise choice in this situation, so I’ll omit some of the precise details here. I spoke with several people on his team about the website and what I was looking for. They mentioned that they would need the ability to upload/add content. Since I use Wordpress, the problem was easily solved. We created a less commercial template and were good to go. Next I was given access to the custom backend reporting tool. It showed me the articles they were working on and eventually where the links they acquired were going to go. Within a week the content was all uploaded and the link building was under way.

Link building isn’t one of those things you should watch on a daily basis. If you set a quota (like 3 links every 5 days), your link builders will emphasize volume over quality. That’s not the desired approach. So we let things go for the next few weeks. At the end of four weeks, we scheduled another conference call. They asked me to log in before the conference and look at the reports.

When I looked at the links, I was pretty impressed with their quality. There were 13 new links. 1-2 were marginal quality, but the rest were good quality or better. What was most impressive was there were 2 EDU links in the bunch. One was even from a really old, crusty, aged EDU website. All of the links were from aged websites. The newest one was over 3 years old; the oldest was over 10 years old. Overall this was really good batch of links.

There’s a lot of other information in the reports, and Jim spoke with me about some of the content they will add in the next few months to make things even better.

If you need link building for your website and are looking for good, quality links, the WeBuildPages service is absolutely one I can recommend.

This has been a sponsored post. Find out more information about sponsored posts.

Creative Commons License photo credit: D?vid

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This post originally came from Michael Gray who is an SEO Consultant. Be sure not to miss the Thesis Wordpress Theme review.

Review of WeBuildPages Link Building Services

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