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Blogging About Your Passion.

Posted: 21 Apr 2010 08:54 PM PDT


RT, my buddy American Living in the Philippines, gave a good friendly advise about my intention to move blog directions. He told me,

“The secret to success is finding a passion that's profitable.”

So for the past hour, I sat down and listed all my passions to see it could be a profitable one to blog about. By this, I mean my true passions. Things I love to do the most and also have the most knowledge about. Things that I can write without hurting my conscience too much. I discovered that I am just a pathetic guy with no real passions for anything. I only “liked” things. Not passionate about it. That makes a vast difference.

1. Sex.

I like sex. Don’t everybody. It’s a profitable topic to base a blog on. You can sell Viagra to breast implants and penis enlargement products and make a fortune.

Thing is, I just like it for the pleasure it gives me and my partner. I make no special effort to research on it. I do not have in-depth knowledge of love making. I do not have that burning passion to learn more. For us, it is just “hump and cum”.

Can I maintain a blog about sex? Highly probable. Even if I do not have the knowledge to write original ideas, there a tons of stories and videos out there that I can use. I can also let my imaginations run wild and conjure up fantastic sex stories.

Problem is, my conscience won’t let me. Furthermore, all my children knows about this blog and I am not actually very passionate about this subject.

2. Making Money Online.

I also love to make money online and it is also a profitable niche. You can sell eBooks, online courses, membership sites, so on and so forth, but seeing the amount of hypocrisy you need to succeed, I lost lots of passion for it. So even though I have learned somethings and have some knowledge about it, I stopped blogging about it.

3. Food And Beverages.

Another popular topic that can make a good profitable blog. I love food and I love anything alcoholic, but I am not passionate about it. For sure, I am not a connoisseur. I can’t even fry an egg properly lest write about food.

My love for food is exhibited by me whacking whatever that is placed in front of me. I can’t differentiate the taste of prawns from the lobster. Everything taste good to me. I have only the passion to eat. Not the passion about the food I eat. I can’t be bothered what went into the cooking.

I also love beer and a good shot of whiskey or brandy. If you ask me what went into the brewing of such I will look at you blindly for I haven’t the faintest idea. I only know if I had my fifth pint, I will feel light headed and that makes me forget about lots of problems.

4. Sports

Can be also a profitable topic. I kind of love sports, but definitely not overly passionate about it. I don’t play any, though I enjoy an occasional match of tennis on TV even without knowing how the points are calculated. I just love to see those ladies groan and grunt when hitting the ball.

I do jog every morning but that is under doctor’s advise to keep my pressure down and sugar level under control.

Yikes! I have no true passions for anything at all

After listing down those few, I discovered I have no true passions for anything at all. I think there a millions of ordinary blokes like me who do not have the passion to pursue a passion. So are we destined to fail?

Not quite. There is a workaround. We can feign it like all many other bloggers do.

Learn To Feign Your Passion

If you go blog hopping, you will notice that lots of bloggers blogs as if their livelihood depended on it. We too have to do that. We might not have any knowledge about what we are blogging about, but there are many others who do. We can use their ideas and we can feign it as though we too are very passionate about what we are blogging about. We have to feign it to the extent that we are seen as experts in the niche that we are blogging about.

Then only will our readers believe us and buy whatever we recommend in our blog.

Learn To Discard All Guilty Conscience

Frankly, how many of those site owners who sells penis enlargement pills have taken the pills themselves. They sell nevertheless, with glowing reviews without a tinge of guilt. Whether the pills does make your penis larger of whether it eventually shrinks it to the size of a pea is of no concern to them. What is important is they be convincing enough.

To succeed we to have to be like them. We must learn and master the art of “I couldn’t care less”. Nobody can afford to try out each and every product they want to promote in their blogs. Just praise whatever you are selling to the sky. Your only motive is to earn that commission. Nothing else.

All being said. Blogging about a true passion that is profitable is easier said that done. How many passions can a man have. I had picked up a passion for modding WordPress Themes. Still have that passion. I get traffic from those who are interested in WordPress Themes, I sell WordPress Themes, but it is getting very competitive. Passion is one thing. Keeping the passion profitable is another. Right now, I see a very bad downtrend in my passion.

Do I have any other real passions that I can blog about?


But I will try to feign one for this blog. Something profitable.

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