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Online Money

Posted: 22 Apr 2010 10:30 PM PDT

Online Money

I have been ranting too much lately, which isn’t a good thing. It is very unprofessional and unbecoming of me. Despite everything, I believe there is still online money to be made. While one program or network gets screwed up along the way, there are many others that we can still use. There is certainly no need for all those hues and cries. Online money will always be there for the making of we are imaginative enough.

There are so many make money online gurus out there teaching people how to make money. While the majority might be just mimicking tips from others simply because the make money online niche is so popular, some are genuine ones who actually tells the truth and teaches you what really happens at the backend of a online money making blog. Unfortunately, those whom I know have either closed their doors to the public and have stopped giving free advises or have stopped updating their blogs.

When Making Online Money, Understand Your Environment

One thing that I have come to learned the hard way is to understand our environment first. Most successful online money makers comes from the States, or at least the ones I follow. Therefore most of their tips are based on their experience and experiments conducted in an environment that are totally different from mine.

People from different countries have different cultures, different education, different upbringing and thus have different mindsets. It is sometimes difficult for someone like me who is brought up in a totally different environment to understand why it works for them, but do not work for me.

It is for this reason that if I were to follow blindly what has been taught without adapting, then I stare failure in the eyes.

False Impressions When Researching Online Money Making

Just taking the simple example of doing a good keyword research and finding our competitors. Many of us here do know how to go about that after reading tons of tips on doing this. However, most of them fail due to the simple fact that they did not consider the database that the search results are coming from when they key in their search term into Google.

What may be ranked first in my country is, almost always buried so deep in other countries search results that no one will ever find them. Those who do not realize this always gets the false impression that their SEO efforts are working wonders when in fact, they have failed. Many have yet to realize why their ‘top ranking’ keywords failed to bring in the kind of traffic that the Adwords Keyword Tool shows.

Traffic Source Is Also Important For Online Money

The biggest complain around here is the miserly payout for Adsense clicks. It is very normal to be paid 3 to 10 cents per click for a local blog that caters for local traffic. This is made even worse as Adsense is smart to detect where the visitors are coming from. So if you are Malaysian, they will show Ads from Malaysian Advertisers. Even for blogs that are from the US, unless the blogger specifies who to show the Ads to.

Given this scenario, a blogger can learn or buy all the so-called Adsesne secrets that he can afford to pay, but he won’t be making much if he does not understand what geo-targetting is and go about attracting traffic from the high paying US market.

Affiliate Networks For Online Money

Many self proclaimed gurus tells you that there is money in affiliate programs too. They tell you to join affiliate networks. Little do they know that is is impossible for Malaysians and many third world countries to get into the ebay Network. Nor do they know that Clickbank only opened their doors to us last year. Try applying for any programs in Commission Junction and you will find them rejecting us in almost all instances. Azoogle Ads does not accept Malaysians.

But of course other that those giants, we still have many other choices, which is quite fortunate in a way. Many product developers runs their own in-house affiliate programs rather than to be dependent of those affiliate networks.

Understand How Your Online Money Is Paid

Whatever networks you choose, if you are not from the country that is running the show, make sure you read their payment structure and methods. Experience have taught me that for people like me who stays half the way across the globe, opt for a program that pays you via PayPal or Western Union if you do not want to wait for months to see your online money.

Universal Online Money Making Methods Still Works

Having understood your surrounding circumstances, it is still comforting to know that most of the methods taught to me about online money making still applies.

A short description to round up every thing that I was taught is “Understanding and Common Sense”

Understand how things work and how people think, then apply some common sense to it. Understand how Google loves backlinks, then use some common sense to get those backlinks. Understand how people think when they are looking for a solution in Google to get rid of cockroaches in their cabinet. Then apply some common sense to title your blog or your post accordingly.

I think that’s all the “secret” there is. It is how you work on these ’secrets’ that decides the amount of online money you make.

But seriously, who am I to be talking about making money online.

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