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The Wordpress Blogging Process

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 09:46 PM PDT

wordpress blogging

If ever there is a person whom you should learn about WordPress and blogging from, this person has to be Lorelle. A die-hard Wordpress and blog lover, Lorelle blogs from the free Wordpress platform through her blog, aptly titled, Lorelle on WordPress. Some might question her doing so, but by doing and keeping on doing so exhibits her genuine love for this blogging platform in the purest form.

Lorelle is also the author of the book, Blogging Tips, What Bloggers Won’t Tell You About Blogging. Check it out when publications resumes.

For those who wants to start a Wordpress blog or improve on their blog, make a one minute date with Lorelle as she takes you through the process creating a good and well planned blog with her one minute per video series. It will be minutes well spent. And Lorelle does have a sweet and pleasant voice which is a pleasure to the ears.

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cPanel Webhosting – Introduction To The cPanel

Posted: 27 Apr 2010 10:49 PM PDT

cpanel videos

The first thing you come face to face with when you host your own site is the cPanel. In this video series which runs into 12 parts, we shall look at how different parts of the cPanel works. If fully utilized, the cPanel is a very powerful tool for those hosting their own sites or blogs.

This first video introduces what will be discussed in the following 11 videos. Subscribe to this blog to keep updated so as not to miss out on the following videos.

cpanel Video Tutorial

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