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Is Your Online Income Safe?

Posted: 26 Apr 2010 09:56 PM PDT

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I will be a hard truth to swallow, but the online money that you are earning today, might be gone tomorrow. Online income was never and always will never be a safe income. You can only try to safe guard it by doing things that that you think are legitimate and even then, this is no guarantee. Like the saying goes, “If you live by the sword, be prepared to die under the sword” and you better learn how to die smiling.

Do Not Reveal Too Much Information About Making Money Online

There is more to making real money online than what you have read and many of these information sits on the barbed wires. It is not something that Big Daddy takes kindly to and if you reveal too much, you will land yourself in hot soup.

Griz came out of his long hibernation to clear up a few things about Making Money Online in 2010. He is one of the last surviving species of bloggers who is willing to risk his own neck to do friends favors and doles out free and truthful advises on making money online. With his latest update and what he had to say, the Blogosphere is, I think, now officially extinct of his kind.

I could hardly blame him for his change of heart. There have been too many similar instances. Those who have been making a living from the net long enough knows. Most have since stopped doing what they do publicly. It makes no sense in jeopardizing your income just because you want to be the good guy. You can’t be the good guy to survive publicly online. You have to be a big fake and that is all to it. Otherwise, do it privately inside a secured membership site. At least it will keep the trolls out and you can have a piece of mind when you want to reveal something that others do not take kindly to.

It’s A Dog Eat Dog World Of Making Online Money

Griz mentioned briefly about Alan Liew’s 4 year old blog being deleted by Blogger, reason being the blog is a spam. If you are in Internet marketing you would have seen Alan Liew’s name floating around the Net and I too have browsed his blog once or twice. Admittedly, like Griz said, I do not see the blog as spam even though if you have trained eyes, you would realize on the spot that the blog is intended to make money from Adsense. Griz suspect it is because of this that the blog got deleted permanently by Blogger. I think I would go deeper that that.

The blog has been dominating the SERPs for all the main MMO keywords for most of the last 2-3 years. Competitors who are frustrated, jealous or finds it difficult to dislodge him from his position can gather his friends to file in a bunch of complains and that would be the end of Alan. Even if his blog is not deleted, it would be de-indexed to kingdom come.

Another Blogger, Lee, after having heard the news, told his readers to start hosting their own blogs instead of depending on Blogger.

In a way, he is right. No one will have to power to delete your blog then. However, your online income remains just as precarious especially if you are depending on Adsense as your main source of income. Your competitors or simply someone who dislike you or your blog can still play havoc with your Adsense account.

Save Yourself, Avoid Getting Too Personal

Most of us want to interact with our readers. We want to get “personal” with them. We want them to hear our opinions and then encourage them to comment on theirs. We want them to become our friends. Then as time goes by, we will become very famous as we gained lots of friends. That is what blogging should be all about or so they say.

However, it is because of this freedom in expressing our opinions that gets us into trouble. No matter how nice a guy you are, there will be someone out there who disagrees. It is good if that someone has the guts to disagree by commenting their disagreement, then it can become a discussion or it could lead to an all out blog war.

Problem is, there are cowardly trolls who feels strongly about what yo have said but do not have the galls to disagree publicly. Their method of getting beck to you is by clicking your Ads a hundred times.

Maybe we should go against the norm of what all blog gurus have taught. We avoid being personal. The most successful blogs in the Internet are not really the ones with a personal touch. There are referred to as resource blogs. Blogs like Techcrunch, Smashing Magazine, Mashable, so on and so forth, offers tons of information without a single rant from the owner or their writers and they have millions of readers worldwide making them tons of money from their blogs.

I have been talking about changing blog directions. I think this would be a good route to take. Hopefully, this will be last ‘personal’ post that you will ever read here. Now I have to design a more professional looking logo to befit the blog and the direction it is heading.

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