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Investigating The Headway Theme For WordPress

Posted: 15 Apr 2010 11:57 PM PDT

headway theme for wordpress

WordPress bloggers are and always be spoiled for themes. With the millions of free themes out there that are getting better by the day, developers of paid premium Themes are always kept on their toes so they do not simply get pushed out of business by those ever increasing free themes.

Undeniably, some so-called paid premium themes do not really live up to the standard or justifications to be a paid theme. There are some whose design and functionality loses out even to free Themes.

I do not claim to have seen it all, but the Themes that I feel is worth paying for is the Thesis Theme and lately the frugal Theme. Though there has been rave reviews for Studiopress Themes and a few others, I reserve my opinion as I have never used or made an attempt to find out more about them before.

The latest Theme that caught my attention is the Headway Theme. Not that I have never heard about it before, but I was so hooked on the Thesis Theme then that I thought no other Theme except Frugal could match it. I made myself lived under a shell in ignorant bliss.

The realization that there are other Themes that could be better was all due to this video posted by a fellow countryman, and blogjunkie a few days ago. It stirred my interest in wanting to find out more about the Theme. The more I read about the Theme, the more convinced I am that this indeed is a dream theme for bloggers who are non code savvy.

BTW, I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate this countryman of mine on his newly achieved status

Just imagine the amount of work that went into this theme to achieve a Theme that works this way. Most casual users will just upload a Theme, use it with whatever it comes and never give a thought to the amount of effort the designer has put into a Theme. Maybe it’s due to the reason that WordPress Themes are so easy to come by that people have taken them for granted.

Just by looking at the Headway Theme and what it can do at the backend, I can imagine the amount of effort, time and frustrations the designer went through when developing the Theme.

Best and Easiest Customization

Never in my life would I have imagined a Theme that has a visual editor that shows you exactly how your Theme will look in real time each time you make a change. Even the Frugal Theme which I have been praising all along for their superb customization options loses out to this kick ass feature. The Thesis Theme is left sniffing the dust for this one when it comes to customizing a Theme. In fact, it is nowhere near.

I am so very impressed with this Theme. In fact I am so impressed that I replaced my slider link to promote this Theme in place of the Thesis and the slider bar is my best converting link. (there are other reasons though, but seeing the Headway made me do it immediately)

This is the first time I ever promoted something that I have not tested first hand. Each time I recommend a Theme, I made sure I have a first hand look first so I know the pros and cons. For the Headway Theme, I am diving in headlong for that one killer feature, the visual editor and the fact that you can upload and change everything with a visual in front of you. It definitely is going to be hell lot of fun customizing a blog with this.


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