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Check Received

Posted: 21 Apr 2010 05:32 AM PDT

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Came back from work this evening and saw this check from ShareASale in my mailbox. The proceeds from my February sales of the Thesis Theme. Purportedly sent out on the 20th of March, but strangely dated two days later, it took exactly a month’s time for the check to reach me. Now all I will have to do is wait another month before it gets cleared to my account.

Since I was the one who complained about the late delivery, I think it is my obligation and duty to Mr. Brian Littleton of ShareASale to set the record right now that I have received my payments. It has been real decent of Mr. Littleton to come by to clarify matters.

Now I know I don’t need to wait 5 months. I only have to wait 3. It was my mistake to jump the gun so quickly.

3 months, let’s see…….How many round trips to the moon can man make in 3 months………..??

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When It Is Time To Change Blog Directions

Posted: 20 Apr 2010 08:08 PM PDT

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I have a strong feeling that it’s time I move on. Where? I still do not know, but the urge is strong. I make no denials from the start that the main motive of my blogging here is to make something out of this blog. No doubt, I do have a certain passion for the topic that I am writing, the passion for money is even stronger and I am not afraid to admit it.

I am not about to give you some saintly reasons like, “I blog because I love blogging” or “I blog because I love my readers.” That will be very hypocritical of me. I mean, come on, I don’t even know you, how can I love you enough to be wasting my time blogging for you.

Any blogger who tells you they care for you or they love you because you are reading their blog is either a re-incarnation of the Buddha or a plain liar. They are only play acting up an image so godly that one day when they launch their book or their membership site, you guys will snap it up.

Okay, I could be wrong. There really could be some saints out there who gives away their ebooks for free without wanting your email in exchange. Who lets you into their private sites without you having to pay a monthly fee. Who readily helps without any ulterior motives.

Kudos also to those guys who blogs for the love of blogging and do not place a single piece of Ad in their blog.

Building Up Trust?

Though I try to help whenever I am approached and have never asked for anything in return, I cannot claim to be one of them. For deep down inside, there will always be a motive. I secretly hope those whom I have helped would be grateful enough to remember me and use my link to buy a Theme when the day comes for them to use one. Is not that motive enough?

Is that not the same as the guy who released an ebook and hoped all those whom he has helped before will be grateful enough to buy a copy? For that was the only reason he was so helpful all this while trying to gain your trust?

And don’t tell me you do not hope whoever is reading your post will click on your Adsesne Ads.

Social media gurus says this is trust building. I say it is building up false trust.

We live In A Realistic World

Come one day, when the guy who started a membership site for all his beloved followers finds that the site is not making him the dough he expected, do you think he will keep it afloat just for the sake of his love for his readers?

Likewise, when the time comes that I find I am not selling enough Themes to justify my time here writing about this topic, will I be still be blogging about it just because I love those who has been following this blog daily?

Please be real. In this world everyone has a motive, noble or otherwise, when wanting to do something.

The Winds Of Change

Of late, selling WordPress Themes have been increasingly difficult. Almost every Theme that I promote here are being freely distributed in warez sites. More than 50 percent of my traffic comes from people looking for the Thesis Theme, but unfortunately from the looks of the words used in the queries, they are looking for the free version. Not the original version.

And the net if flooded with that.

Thesis 1.7 was made available for free almost immediately after the official version was launched. As with the Headway Theme and Frugal Theme though not as bad as the Thesis. Even very affordable Themes like those from Elegant Themes cannot escape this scourge. Coupled with the shifting of the Thesis Theme to a new affiliate network which payments does not favor my situation, all the fun and initiative is gone. No love or passion in this world is gong to change that.

The Ability To Put Down Something Which You Picked Up

It takes courage for someone who to put down something that he has picked up. Like love. It is hard to give up something or someone that you have grown to love. Like passion, it is harder to quit smoking. Like hate, it is difficult to stop hating someone or something.

To sound chauvinistic, it takes a real man to let go things that he knows has stopped working. Rather than hanging on and wait for the “second coming”, which might be eternity, it would be better to start anew. The earlier the better.

Let’s Get back To Reality

Alright, alright, I am sounding all rubbishly sentimental and that is not me. All I wanted was to make some here. Since it has or will stop making as much as it used to, I have to move on. Passion and love do not fill the tummy. That’s it. Simple and to the point. Why the heck do I need to concoct up such beautiful sounding reasons.

But then, like all who blog, I have to be a hypocrite once a while. Frankly, deep down, I don’t give a hoot. So do others. We have been taught to be hypocrites the day we started to blog. “Give your readers what THEY want to know, not what YOU really know.” What do you think this advise amounts to?

Changing Blog Directions.

So it is time for a change. Unlike some who are articulate and plan their every move, I do things on the spur of the moment. I just know I want to change. How, when and what is not the criteria. Has never been.

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