Latest From Blogigs - Selling Advertisements In Your Blog

Latest From Blogigs - Selling Advertisements In Your Blog

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Selling Advertisements In Your Blog

Posted: 31 May 2010 10:48 PM PDT

Sell Ads

Selling advertisements in our blog. Don’t we all want to do that. It’s better than pay per click Ads. It’s better than affiliate banners. Where these two form pays only when some kind of action is taken, be it clicks or sales, selling your own Ads means you get paid just for showing the Ads. No worries about getting clicks or sales. There is just one small minor problem. Getting people to advertise in your blog.

Of course it would be a different story if you are as big as Techcrunch or Engadget. Advertisers practically queue up for their turn in getting an Ad spot and one that cost more than 10k a month for the smallest block, the 125 x 125 ads. If you are wondering how the price could be so high but yet so popular, there is a formula by which they arrive at such a figure.

Calculating The Value Of Your Advertisement Space

A universally accepted formula is to take the page impressions or page view of the blog where the Ads will be displayed, multiply it by the accepted cost of impression or CPM which is 1.5 and then divide it by 1000. Thus if your blog gets 30000 page views per month, which also means the Ads gets viewed 30000 times, then your Ads will have a value of $45 per month. If the size is bigger like say, 250 by 250 then simply multiply that value by 4.

Techcrunch’s monthly page views is around 8 million. Thus the price they are charging for the 125 Ads. It’s no rocket science.

Getting The Advertisers

Unless your blog is at least 20 to 25% as successful as Techcrunch, forget about selling your Ads directly. No matter what so called gurus tells you, I doubt anyone will be interested in your blog if you try to sell your own ads without going through a third party Ad Broker. That’s where Advertisers go in search of blogs that suits their Ads and even if your blog is not a very high traffic one but in tangent with the Advertiser’s products, you might get lucky to snag an Advertiser or two. Maybe even three or four.

Someone looking to Advertise is someone who understand blog traffic. They too will know what is the meaning of targeted traffic. The reason that they are willing to accept blogs with lower but targeted traffic is because getting their Ads viewed by 300 interested pair of eyes is better than getting their Ads viewed by 1000 who have no interest. Furthermore, they get a better deal as these lower traffic blogs charges much less for their Ads and he gets to place his Ads in many more places rather than drying up his Advertisement budget in one single blog.

Where To Sell Your Ads.

One very popular destination that lots of A listers utilize is BuySellAds, but I really do not have much luck with them as this blog has been rejected twice. BuySellAds are a little bit particular about the kind of blogs they want to sell their Ads in. They might have their reasons for doing so, but I do not see much sense in limiting would be Advertisement buyers the choice of sites they can choose from to place their Ads.


And sometimes, the unexpected happens. Just when I was about to give up on BuySellAds, my third attempt proved successful. The revenue share, at 75% is a little higher than their competitor and most affiliate products that you sell.

Another one that is more accommodating is AdvertiseSpace. They are not so particular about their listings and this blog got approved within minutes after applying.

With AdvertiseSpace, you keep 70% of what they can sell for you and they keep 30. which I think is more than a fair deal. Furthermore they have a referral program where you get to keep 5 to 10% income from any any Ads sold to Advertisers whom you have referred to them. This commission is a recurring one for one whole year.

So if you have a blog that is doing reasonable well, try selling Advertisements in your blog. Might prove to be a good first income.

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