Latest From Blogigs - How Often Must You Update Your Blog

Latest From Blogigs - How Often Must You Update Your Blog

How Often Must You Update Your Blog

Posted: 22 Jun 2010 08:27 PM PDT

Blog Update

The question of how often do you blog need to be updated has been asked at least a million times and have also been replied a million times over. By blog gurus, gurus wannabe or simply by faked gurus who thinks they are gurus. One of the most parroted answer that you have seen a million times when you read posts about how to improve your blog’s traffic is “Update Daily!”

Other than the Update Daily advise, of course you will also read other good and time wasting advises like Comment on other blogs, Social Bookmarking, Article Submitting, Guest Posting, so on and so forth. While I do admit that some of these advise like commenting in other blogs does bring some direct traffic, most of those advises are quite ill and does no good in terms of really increasing your traffic.

Those who propagate these advises do not tell their audiences that the only benefit you get from social bookmarking sites or article submission are the low quality backlinks you will be getting, not direct traffic. Some might argue that, well, since backlinks will propel your blog up the SERPs, would you not be getting lots of search traffic then?

Oh yes, if those backlinks are enough to break you into the first page of Google Search that is. Have you researched how many thousands of links, whether low or high quality you will need to get to that page? Have you researched how competitive are the keywords you are using? Or do you even know what are anchor text keywords in the first place?

If you have and if you do, then you will understand why all those social bookmarking links and all those articles you have submitted are not bringing you any traffic. You will also understand why all those “XX tips that will bring you massive traffic” are all but bullshit copied time and again by bullshitters who do not understand the real intentions of people who does social bookmarkings and article submissions.

Somehow, I always get carried away and stray from topic, so let’s get back to the question of how often must you update your blog in order to increase or at least maintain your present traffic.

I too use to belief that if you do not update often enough, you will not be getting any traffic increase and whatever you have at present will leave and never come back again. To a large extent, this is true. Nobody wants to visit a blog once too often and see nothing new. Sooner or later, nobody will be checking out your blog again. Do you know the reason why? Your blog has become too dependent on social traffic.

Once you become dependent on traffic that you have garnered through all your socializing efforts, blogging becomes a stressful chore and no more fun for you. You will be trapped into a state of always wanting to please your audience. You feel guilty if you are not able to give your readers their 15 minutes of daily pleasure reading your post. You become their slave. You begin to think you are indispensable. That people cannot live without reading your blog for one day. You think you are a VIB. Very Important Blogger, that is.

Who do you have to share your gratitude with for putting you in such a dilemma? Why, your friendly neighborhood blog guru of course. He was the guy who told you to go socialize, go make friends, go commenting so people will know you. He was the guy who insisted that you should be updating daily or lose whatever you have. Go blame him, or them. They don’t suffer the same fate as you because they are busy getting others or maybe even you, to do the dirty work for them.

Get one thing straightened out. You should not depend entirely on social traffic. If you must, maybe a third of your total traffic is fine. These will give you some consoling comments if you can’t survive without them, to show that you have readers. Where should the rest of your traffic come from? From referral links and Search Engines.

If you update once a month and that post gets referred to by others, your traffic keeps coming and coming without you having to update for the rest of the month. Nail one or two good posts a month that hopefully will get picked up by others who refers back to your blog. The rest of the days, you can have fun with your blog like me, changing colors, re-designing the logo, rant a few and do all the things that having a blog should be fun about.

Of course that is easier said than done. A much easier method, be friends with Google. With him by your side, he will send you traffic even if you do not update your blog for one year. Of course that is taking it literally, but if you have some posts or lots of posts that attracts lots of Search traffic, you can spend many days a month again doing fun things that bloggers should be doing. Like socializing so you can become famous one day perhaps?

You can choose not believe me, but I definitely think you should believe Matt Cutts.

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