Latest From Blogigs - Matt Mullenweg’s New Blog Theme

Latest From Blogigs - Matt Mullenweg’s New Blog Theme

Matt Mullenweg’s New Blog Theme

Posted: 26 Jun 2010 06:47 AM PDT

Have you seen Matt Mullenweg’s new blog theme?

I do not know how to describe it. Artistic? Contemporary? Rustic? Funky?


But I like it.

It’s unique.

SUBSCRIBER'S BONUS DOWNLOAD - 5 photoshop action scripts.
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40 WordPress 3 Compatible Themes

Posted: 26 Jun 2010 12:14 AM PDT

Post image for 40 WordPress 3 Compatible Themes

The wisest decision I have made as far as joining memberships sites are concerned is joining Elegant Themes. The other sites that I have joined has either went under or stopped updating altogether. One thing I have learned about joining membership sites, be it for the info or the product, is NEVER to opt for the lifetime membership. The site will not last you a lifetime, that’s for sure. You will be lucky it served you for six months to a year.

The problem is if everyone opts for lifetime membership with a one time payment, the site will see no recurring monthly income and if there are no new sign ups every month, the site will wind up pretty fast. Offering life-time membership is just another way for Internet Marketers to make a fast buck. Legitimate ones will tend to ask for monthly or yearly renewals.

Price Does Not Increase At Their Fancy

When I join Elegant Themes a year ago, the price was an very affordable $19.95 for a year. It was renewed a couple of days ago and the price remained the same even though the Themes that members can download now has doubled. So now it is twice the value for my money.

No Discrimination For New Members

Some membership sites offers their products by drips. That is to say, if you are new, you will not be entitled to all the products that an older member has access to. They will get products added on a monthly basis so the longer you stay in the site, the more products you will get. Elegant Themes does not practice this. Once you join them, you get everything that others are getting.

Always Get Updated Products

Themes from Elegant Themes gets updated whenever there are some changes in WordPress that might effect the performance of the Themes. For example, all the Themes now, old and new has been updated to be WordPress 3 Compatible.

40 WordPress 3 Premium Themes

When I joined a year ago, there was only 24 available Themes for download. Today the number stands at 40 and still growing without any compromise in the quality of the Themes. In fact, each theme is better then the previous one. The choice is so varied that sometimes it is hard to make up my mind which to use. At the rate that the Themes are been added, before my membership ends in another year, the number will increase to at least 60 Themes.

That is truly what I call value for money and this is how all membership sites should be to keep all their members in the site year after year while getting new sign ups day after day.

Sign Up Now To Download 40 WordPress 3 Compatible Premium Themes For Free.

SUBSCRIBER'S BONUS DOWNLOAD - 5 photoshop action scripts.
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