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Latest From Blogigs - Thesis Theme Hacked.

Thesis Theme Hacked.

Posted: 14 Jul 2010 07:19 PM PDT

thesis theme hacked

A forum thread titled Thesis hacked at the WordPress Tavern Forum caught my attention. I was unpleasantly surprised that to hear that the Thesis Theme has been hacked and some malicious codes have been inserted to into the download file. The said hack is presently being hotly discussed in twitter #thesiswp

The tweets however, it has somewhat turned into a discussion about the GPL licensing issue between Matt and the Thesis developers. These two have been at loggerheads over this issue for years. Frankly, I do not know who to side, so I reserve my opinions.

(also read - Jane On WordPress)

Back to the Thesis hack. It is not a hack per se as the hacker apparently did not intend to screw up the server or anything and the only thing it seems they did was inserted a “base64_decode” string into the download file. For those in the know will be able to decode quite easily. Those who are are not that savvy will continue to live in ignorant bliss.

The affected downloads are the present Thesis 1.7 version and the latest release, Thesis 1.8 beta which is only available for developers.

This news is definitely going to affect the over all sales of the Thesis Theme temporary, at least till the developers makes an official statement that everything has been cleansed out. For those who has intentions to purchase the Theme, just hold on to your cash for a little while more. If you have already bought it, refrain from downloading just yet while things gets sorted out. I don’t think that will take too long for someone like Chris Pearson.

Looks like I will not be meeting my targeted sales yet again of the Thesis Theme this month.

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