Latest From Blogigs - An Attractive WordPress Theme Is The LightBright Theme

Latest From Blogigs - An Attractive WordPress Theme Is The LightBright Theme

An Attractive WordPress Theme Is The LightBright Theme

Posted: 07 Jul 2010 09:45 PM PDT

LightBright Theme WordPress 3.0

There are times when you stumble into a blog and you get that “AWE..’ kind of feeling because the Theme that the blogger is using is not one that you see often. There is a kind of uniqueness and attractiveness that is hard to describe and it somehow makes you want to open a few more pages just to see Theme more deeply. One such theme that possess this kind of ‘power’ is the newly released LightBright Theme from Elegant Themes.

Though the layout is nothing out of the ordinary, the way the contents are displayed and the color scheme used creates a very attractively bold look and at the same time gives the viewer a soothing feeling, making them want to stay longer than usual. A blog that looks like that will quite definitely improve their bounce rate by leaps and bounds.

That being said, the LightBright Theme is not a theme for those who wants to make money and nothing else from their blogs. Ads will not blend in well with this Theme and the presence of Advertisements will sort of ‘destroy’ the whole look of the Theme.

However, if you are the kind of blogger who strives on contents and the quality of the articles you write, this Theme will be a good theme to use. Then of course, it is not a Theme that cannot be ‘monetized’. It will serve well and perfect for a review blog, where you need to insert images or videos when doing your reviews or when you are promoting an affiliate product. Some 125 ad blocks on the sidebars will not do too much harm also, I guess. Just do not overdo it and have banners everywhere.

LightBright Theme For WordPress 3.0

The front page of the Theme is presented in Tumblr-style which is getting increasing popular with WordPress Theme developers. Making use of the custom post types/taxonomies added in WordPress 3.0, the theme adds special integration options for photos, video, audio, quotes, notes and links. So if you have a personal blog or a product review blog, you can use these built in features and have different looking post pages for different categories. You can learn more on how to create your own custom post types.

WordPress 3 LightBright Theme

Another cool feature, since I said this will be a Theme for prolonged traffic, is the share button on the right hand corner of each post-tumblr. Clicking on the button will reveal a string of social bookmarking icons that lets your readers easily bookmark and share the article.

WordPress 3.0 LightBright Theme

The LightBright Theme comes in 4 different color schemes, each equally attractive, but I do like the Blue and Green Theme a little bit more. Of course, included are all the features and functions available in all Themes downloaded from Elegant Themes stable.

To see the full features, view the live demo and find out how you can download this and over 40 other Elegant WordPress 3.0 compatible Premium Themes for free, check out the LightBright Theme over at Elegant Themes.

SUBSCRIBER'S BONUS DOWNLOAD - 5 photoshop action scripts.
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Free Video Tutorials To Create Your Own Minisite

Posted: 07 Jul 2010 07:57 AM PDT

DIY Mini Sites

Sometimes the way I go about talking about Internet Marketers, it might give the impression that I do not like them very much. The fact is, I have nothing against Internet Marketers, it is only their methods of trying to sell their products that sometimes pisses me off. There are however, some Internet Marketers whom I have high regards for. They are honest in their approach, do not make bombastic claims and when they say they have something free to offer, they do offer something of quality.

One of such is a guy who prefers to call himself Kidino. Many might not have heard of this guy for he is not one who tries to sell you everything under the sun and spam your Inbox 24/7. No doubt he builds and keeps a list and sends out occasional emails but most of the time, he will be promoting something produced by himself and not anything that comes his way. His remains as one of the few emails that I keep white listed.

Kidino is a very good web site designer who has a degree in computer programming but has somehow ‘strayed’ into Internet Marketing. His specialty is, of course site creations and designs. He has some other sites, but the one that I want to recommend you guys is DIY MiniSite.

DIY Minisite is a membership site that teaches you how to create your own minisite from scratch using the most basic and free software. On the table are 2 types of memberships. Free and Premium. It is the free version that I want to talk about here.

In many similar sites, when you sign up as a free member, you will get craploads of free products that are of not much value. Their motive of course is to get you to upgrade your status to that of a paid member so you can have access to better quality products. DIY Minisite is no different. Kidino too hopes you will upgrade your status to premium after you become a free member so he can make some money. BUT he does not pester you AND the products you get as a free member is of high quality and not some crappy shit.

To join as a free member, all you have to do is to give him your email. Told you he was building a list, did I not? There is nothing sinful about it. Just give him your damn email and get access to the NINTY ONE videos that will teach you how to create your own mini-site for free. By the time you finish watching and learning what those video teaches you, you will be a Mini Site expert good enough to make a living designing mini sites for others. I can almost guarantee that for those video tutorials are so very good and easy to follow.

And all it takes it your email and after that receive some harmless mails about once in two weeks. Trust me, if you want to learn how to build minisites of your own for free, you should and ought make that teeny weeny sacrifice. Others sell these kind of Videos for hundreds of dollars.

I really should say no more, just check it out for yourself.

SUBSCRIBER'S BONUS DOWNLOAD - 5 photoshop action scripts.
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