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Latest From Blogigs - Powered By Frugal

Powered By Frugal

Posted: 26 Jul 2010 08:36 PM PDT


Powered By Frugal Theme 3.5

This theme is now powered by Frugal. After using Thesis for quite sometime now, I feel it is time for some new adventures with WordPress Themes. What better then, than to use the copy of Frugal Theme that I won some time ago. I had plans to use the Theme for another domain which I bought specially to try out the Frugal Theme but had a change of mind due to the recent spat between Thesis and WordPress developers. Kind of lost a lot of respect for the designer whom I used to worship.

Though I had generally played around with Frugal a couple of times, I had no chance of really going in depth with it. In creating this layout, I had the chance to dig deep in to really see what the Frugal Theme can and cannot do. Here are my findings.

Using Images For The Layout

Using images for the background is easy with the Frugal Theme. All you have to do is to upload an image of appropriate size in the Settings/Upload page. You can then use the image in the Content Design – Main Background by specifying the attributes you prefer.

Like-wise for any other locations where you are allowed to use an image for the background, and I think most have been covered. All can be accomplished with a few clicks of the mouse.

The problem though will be the ability to create a suitable image. Do bear in mind that image does not necessary mean a picture. It can also be a color shade. For example if you use an image for the navigation bar, all you need is to create a small image of say, 30px high by 5 px wide, give it a two tone color gradient, upload the image, then when using the image, repeat the image horizontally. You will then have a beautiful navigation bar background that looks real cool.

Colorizing The Various Parts Of The Layout

Everything can have a different color of you choose to do so. However, do not overdo yourself or else your blog will look like a circus. From the content background, the Titles, the Sidebars, the font color, the link color, everything and everywhere. All you need is one click of the mouse.

The Fonts.

The fonts is somewhat of a disappointment. Though the default fonts are okay, I had the mistaken first impression that I can use any fonts I like because of the Custom Fonts option. I was rather happy when I first saw that option as I thought Eric Hamn had finally did what other Theme developers had failed to do and that is to incorporate something like Cufon into the Theme.

The joy was short lived as I found out what ever custom fonts I use is for self masturbation only. I only satisfy myself. Anyone else whose computer do not carry that same font will not be able to share my pleasure. Which makes me conclude that the custom font option is a total waste of time if it remains that way.

Nevertheless, you can still make use of the available default fonts which comprises most of the industry standard fonts, so it is not much of a problem. Of course, if you are adamant, you can use the Google Font Directory to embed some custom fonts.

General Layout Conclusion.

As professed, the Frugal Theme delivers what it promised. You can have a totally unique layout without writing a single line of codes. All you need is superior creative talent and you can make a very beautiful Theme for yourself without learning any html, css, or php codes.

It is a great Theme for bloggers who are non coders and non tech savvy.

Going Deeper Into The Frugal

If you look at at the options available, the Frugal Theme has many provisions for professional web designers who has good knowledge of web site layouts and designs. There are many confusing options that will make the average blogger scratch their heads and wonder what are they for.

As a normal blogger, even if you are an A-lister, there are many options which you do not need. Just because it is there does not mean that you have to use it. My opinion is, keep your blog simple so people have an easier time navigating around it. Adding many fancy features will only serve to distract your visitors.

Another non preference of mine is using a static Homepage for a blog. Static hompages are for sites whose majority of visitors lands on their Homepage. Form there they can then funnel them to various pages which will be beneficial for them and to the visitor. They have build all their links to point to their homepage, so anyone who searches for their keywords will land on their homepage.

For a blog however, because of our constant updates and fresh contents, most of our hits will land on the single post pages, so why the need to have a dedicated homepage? All you need is homepage that displays your latest post.

Adding Extra Stuffs To The Frugal Theme.

Adding anything that is not included in the options pages can be quite daunting. Though within the options you can have a totally unique looking them without writing any codes, adding additional stuffs like Advertisement codes and banners can be quite nerve wrecking for beginners.

A option sorely missed out is the Footer design. There is not option to specify the height should you be using an image like mine. There are no options to align or format the text. You have to insert the custom codes manually to get the desired effects.

There are 4 custom widgets that can be used to insert Ads banners or whatever you prefer to locations within your Theme specified by the available hooks. If you do not know what the hooks stands for, you will be quite lost. Somehow, the custom widget which I created for the header banner do not show and I had to use the default header banner widget which is also quite a pain in the ass because there is no provisions to align it. If your log size is too wide, it will nudge the banner out of the container. Haven’t figured out the custom widget issue yet.

Adding stuffs after the post manually is quite frustrating. There is a widget which you can use, but if you more than one item into that widget and you want to style it differently, the styles somehow effects the whole widget. Haven’t figured this one out either.

As tutorials are not as abound for the Frugal Theme if compared to the Thesis, I thinks I will have to rely mostly on the Frugal Forums to discover what I am missing. Hopefully I can write up some Frugal Theme tutorials in the coming days as I explore deeper.

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