Latest From Blogigs - Reasons For Promoting An Affiliate Product

Latest From Blogigs - Reasons For Promoting An Affiliate Product

Reasons For Promoting An Affiliate Product

Posted: 02 Jul 2010 10:02 PM PDT

Promoting Affiliate Products

Affiliate products, as the name suggest, are products that you promote as an affiliate whereby you earn some commissions if you make a sale or create a new lead for the product owner. I think the reason for promoting any affiliate product is very obvious. It’s money.

Of course then there are some exceptions. There will be times when you want to do some friends a favor or times when you came across something that is really useful for your readers. In instances like these, money will not come into play. Rather it is done as more of a social service and giving something back to the community. However, these will not be a common occurrence and even when it is done, it is more of a recommendation or introduction rather than a promotion for it is done without any obligations.

How Do You Promote An Affiliate Product

From a serious Internet Marketer’s perspective, most will do PPC marketing using Adsense Ads or now, Facebook Ads which is fast gaining popularity. It is the fastest way of getting targeted traffic and if their skill is good, they stand to make good profit. Yes, it takes good skills to come up with a good Ad copy which attracts the right kind of traffic.

It is easy to write an Ad copy that attracts lots of clicks. It is DIFFICULT to write a copy that attracts the RIGHT kind and which is, BUYING TRAFFIC. Attracting all the wrong clicks will only see your Ad budget depleting very fast without seeing any sales.

Getting the right traffic is only the first step, writing a good sales copy that hasten their decision to buy when they land on your site is the crucial part. If you have mastered both, then you are on your way to great richness. Regretfully, I haven’t, despite reading all those free ebooks that promises me that I can.

Promoting Affiliate Products Through Your Blog

Another very popular way done by amateurs like me is promoting affiliate products through our blog. Lots of blogs show affiliate product banners like those you see here. However, most are there just as a showpiece to make the blog look a little bit ‘professional’ if I may use the word. In most cases, those banners never make a single penny.

In all honesty, the only banner that makes me money here is the one from Elegant Themes and the slider bar. The others are here for other reasons which I best not say because I might sound foolish if I did, so you make your own assumptions.

Factors which I realize though are, if you want to promote something in your blog;

  1. Make sure it is something that is related to your topic or your niche.
  2. Make sure you know the product inside out.
  3. Make sure you do a good review of the product
  4. Make sure you follow up on your review occasionally

But then of course I am sure you have heard or read all these before. The thing is, not many takes the trouble to do them, expecting their readers to simply click on the banners and simply buy something. If it is as easy as that, then every one who has a blog will be a potential millionaire.

Change Affiliate Products When One Do Not Sell

A mantra chanted by Internet marketers is ‘Test, Test, Test’. If one method does not work, try another. If one product is not selling as expected, sell another. If you have done all of the above and still you get no sales or sign ups after 3 months or more, then there must be something wrong.

Maybe the sales page of your affiliate product is not convincing enough. Maybe the price is not competitive. There could be tons of reasons, but as an amateur affiliate, you do not and need not find out. You simply move on to another product. There is no need for whining and no need for crying nor is there any need to waste your time on a product which do not sell.

All the above is written with the opinion that you are serious in wanting to make some money by promoting affiliate products in your blogs. Be reminded that you will never make as much as those full time affiliate marketers who invest their earnings to promote many products for a living. They are professionals. You and I are just amateurs, so expect not a professional’s payout from promoting affiliate products.

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