Latest From Blogigs - Let Google Decide Your KeyWords

Latest From Blogigs - Let Google Decide Your KeyWords

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Let Google Decide Your KeyWords

Posted: 01 Aug 2010 09:27 PM PDT


Google success

There was a time not too long ago that I made some money by creating many one page mini sites selling one single product using the 7 dollar script. It was the time after Google decided that BANs sites and sites running on similar scripts was not to be indexed by them and ebay decided that they will only pay for clicks that brings them some benefit. The whole bunch of us in the same community went gaga over creating mini sites as it provided us with an alternative to make money online.

During that time, if you have the time and resources, you can get your single keyword for your single page web site to rank in the first page of Google within a short span of time. Once there, we will start to see some sales for the product we are selling. The idea is not to be greedy and go for ‘big’ keywords but instead aim for targeted long tail buying keywords.

Since mini sites was relatively easy to set up and does not need much maintenance once all the initial work has been done, some who were really hardworking, build up an empire of a few hundred mini sites making them some $30 or more monthly per site. Lumping all their sites income together, some made a pretty decent full time income online monthly.

The Changing Of Google Algorithms.

I gave up the idea of building mini sites not very long after as I found the concept unsuitable for me. It can be very time consuming and tiring building one site after another and then spending a few weeks nurturing each site to rank. I figured it would be better if I spend all my available time here and try to make this blog into something more respectable then after that, sell some affiliate products or advertisements to make some income. To a certain extent, I think I have succeeded though not yet fully.

In May this year, Google made some changes to their search algorithms which I feel will make my job easier. When before, the more links you get, the better it will be for your keyword rankings in the SERPs, things seems to be working differently now.

No doubt backlinks do still plays an important part in getting your site to be noticed by Google, the way your keywords gets ranked seems to have taken a twist. At least, to my layman’s observation. Do be reminded that I am no SEO expert.

Pay More Attention To Your Meta Description.

meta descriptions

Many says meta descriptions are outdated. From what I have seen in my stats, meta descriptions of my blog has taken more significance after the MayDay update.

As I have never worked on a specific keyword for my blog here, 99 percent of my hits are from searches of specified long tail keywords. These search hits lands on individual posts that caters for that searched information. Thus I almost never gets hits which lands on my front or home page and that is the reason I like to write post and post titles that I feel people will search for.

I know that if I were to concentrate on some highly searched keywords like “WordPress Themes” which gets a couple hundred thousand searches each month, this blog will do much better. But no, I did not do that as I had no way to compete with the big boys in the industry.

However, things seems to be working my way after the MayDay update. I am slowly but surely gaining authority on those highly competitive keywords. My homepage meta descriptions have been picked up and I seemed to be getting hits to my homepage from terms that I never dreamed that I would rank for before.

Letting Google Know What Your Blog Is About

The old way of getting Google to recognize what your blog is about is by getting others to link you with your keywords as their anchor text. So if hundreds of other blogs links to my blog with the words “WordPress Themes” I will be deemed by Google as an authority on this subject and my blog will rank highly for that term.

This method is easily manipulated by people who wants to rank for anything they want. Even if your blog is not about WordPress Themes, you can still rank well if you get enough backlinks for that term. Google seems to have changed their way of looking at anchor text as a means of determining what that blog is about and have came up with a more accurate way of ranking a blog for any given term.

Google will be looking at your site’s meta description as a means to confirm what your blog is all about. Note that I say ‘confirm’ as there are other factors which makes Google wants to make this confirmation.

google change algorithmns

How Your Blog Can Rank Better

From my observations, the new way of ranking seems to depend on the kind of clicks you get for your blog. This will be dependent entirely on the contents of your blog. Now, more that ever, is why you should have concentrated relevant contents and not have a blog that talks about everything under the sun.

No matter how good you are a SEO and no matter how terrific you are at writing search friendly articles, if you have a blog that gets search hits from all quarters, Google will never know what to rank you under. The best you can do is rank for what ever you have written and hopefully whatever you have written is searched by many and written by few.

When before, you can still go and get links to rank for your intended keywords and still rank for certain keywords even if you write something else, things are different now. Google analytics will play an important role in tracking the keywords that your blog is being searched for. The clicks you get for posts which are related to the same topic will eventually decide what your blog will rank for.

Google Is Deciding Your Keywords For You

Yes, Google is now deciding what your keywords should be and not what you want them to be. For example, if you write tons of post about making money online and you have lots of clicks going to these posts, then Google will determine that your blog is about making money online. You do not need to go round getting backlinks with the term ‘making money online’ any more.

Any phrase which relates to making money online is good. Thus you can write posts about Online Marketing, Home base business, email marketing, so on and so forth and Google will be smart enough to know that you are talking about something that relates to making money online.

Even more so if you have homepage meta descriptions that describes your blog appropriately. If lots and lots of people are coming to your blog via search terms related to making money online, Google will rank you for that term. Or so from what I have seen is happening in my blog here. I am getting hits from the very generic but highly competitive search term, ‘WordPress Themes’ and it points to my homepage. And I don’t think I have anyone linking to my blog here with such a broadbase keyword.

In other words, relevant contents have really become the king to a successful blog. That was what Google had wanted all these years and I think that is what they got now.

DISCLAIMER: I am no SEO expert and all opinions expressed here are entirely my own.

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