Latest From Blogigs - 10 Bold Fonts To Create Beautiful Blog Theme Headers

Latest From Blogigs - 10 Bold Fonts To Create Beautiful Blog Theme Headers

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10 Bold Fonts To Create Beautiful Blog Theme Headers

Posted: 08 Aug 2010 11:58 PM PDT

bold fonts

The easiest and most common way to make your blog theme unique even though the theme is being used by hundreds or even thousands of others is to make a unique blog header for yourself. A different and well designed blog header makes your Theme stands out from the crowd and creating one does not mean you have to spend hundreds of dollars or learn complex Photoshop skills.

Anyone with the basic skill will be able to create a reasonably good looking blog header. The idea is to keep things simple. If you study blog logos done by professionals you will notice that most are very simple designs. They stand out because of their simplicity. The reason these professional can charge so highly for their designs is their creative use of colors and fonts.

For blog theme headers, I have always preferred bold fonts and one of my favorite hunting grounds for beautiful fonts is Font Squirrel. Below are 10 of my favorite blog fonts for creating blog headers. All fonts displayed can be downloaded at Font Squirrel for free.


Blog Header Fonts


Bold Header Fonts


Header Fonts

League Gothic

Bold Header Fonts


Bold Fonts Blog Header


Bold Header Fonts


Bold Fonts

Spincycle OT

Blog Header Fonts


Bold Header Fonts


Headers Fonts

These are but just a handful of simple examples of blog headers or logos that anyone can create for their blogs. For those bursting with creative juices, I am sure they can make something that is many time better.

SUBSCRIBER'S BONUS DOWNLOAD - 5 photoshop action scripts.
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