Latest From Blogigs - Create Powerful Squeeze Page In Your WordPress Blog

Latest From Blogigs - Create Powerful Squeeze Page In Your WordPress Blog

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Create Powerful Squeeze Page In Your WordPress Blog

Posted: 03 Aug 2010 01:51 AM PDT

Squeeze Theme

The single most important page that every Internet Marketer worth their salt wants to build is a powerful and effective squeeze page. It can be said that the squeeze page is where their fortune is built, for it is this particular page that will decide whether they can build up a list reasonably big enough for them to have a positive return of investment. Therefore, true Internet Marketers spares no effort in creating a squeeze page that will attract the maximum opt-ins.

However, if you are just starting out and you don’t even have a single email in your list, buying a dedicated domain and having a dedicated squeeze page may not be very practical. What most Internet Marketers wannabe does is to have an opt-in form in the sidebar of their WordPress blog and then hope that they could harvest some emails in exchange for some free gifts.

Overcome Opt-In Form Blindness

That is the old out dated way and like Adsense, these opt-in forms in the sidebar have become so common that most blog visitors have already developed a blindness towards it. Most never takes notice of these opt-in form anymore. To overcome this, we need something more innovative.

We need the WordPress Squeeze Plugin.

The Squeeze Plugin is a totally new way of getting your blog readers to opt in via your blog. Since it is built as a plugin, it can be used on all WordPress Themes so anyone who had a blog running on this platform can use this.

Use The Squeeze Page As Your Home page

Instead of the seeing the over-used sidebar opt-in every time your readers drops in to your blog, what your readers will see is a dedicated Squeeze page right inside your blog. It is just like any normal blog page and if you are adventurous enough, you can actually set this to be your Home Page so it gets the maximum exposure.

Create A Squeeze Page Within Minutes

Creating the page is a matter of dragging and dropping in all the default elements that comes with the plugin. You do not need to write a single line of codes and anyone who has been blogging in WordPress will be able to create a very professional looking Squeeze page within minutes.

Click Here To Watch Video and Test Drive The Squeeze Page Plugin For Free

SUBSCRIBER'S BONUS DOWNLOAD - 5 photoshop action scripts.
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