Michael Gray - Graywolf's SEO Blog

Michael Gray - Graywolf's SEO Blog

How To Make Your Homepage More Dynamic

Posted: 31 Aug 2010 07:43 AM PDT

Post image for How To Make Your Homepage More Dynamic

One of the problems I encounter on large client websites–or with clients who constantly add or update existing content–is getting this content into the index as quickly as possible. One of the tactics I recommend is using the homepage.

When I talk about adding dynamic content I mean in the main content section …
I can think of only three or four websites I have ever worked on where the homepage wasn’t the most frequently crawled page on the entire website (the outlier cases were viral microsites, in case you were wondering). So your best strategy is to use this frequent crawling to spoon feed links to the new or updated content to the search engines.

But how do you put this into practice? Here are some examples:

  • Place links to your 10 most important products right on the homepage
  • Run a seasonal website, changing the links on your homepage every month
  • Publish new articles, putting the links on the homepage
  • Update content or living URLs and put the links on the homepage
  • Have a blog, making sure the links are here to your latest posts

At a time when Google places value on page speed, having excessive calls to the database on your most visited page doesn’t make a lot of sense. What I recommend is building static include files once a day, every few days, or once a week. This gives you the flexibility you need without the unnecessary overhead.

If you are looking for a way to include info from an rss feed (like a blog), here’s a nice and simple script you can use called rss lib. If you use it, be a nice guy and make a donation. Open source gpl stuff helps everyone.

Lastly, when I talk about adding dynamic content I mean in the main content section not the footer. Putting dynamic content in the footer has a purpose, but it is much more effective when it’s in the main body area.
Creative Commons License photo credit: NASA Goddard Photo and Video

This post originally came from Michael Gray who is an SEO Consultant. Be sure not to miss the Thesis WordPress Theme review.

How To Make Your Homepage More Dynamic

tla starter kit

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  5. Page1Hosting - Class C IP Hosting starting at $2.99.
  6. Directory Journal - List your website in our growing web directory today.
  7. Content Customs - Unique and high quality SEO writing services, providing webmasters with hundreds of SEO articles per week
  8. Glass Whiteboards - For a professional durable white board with no ghosting, streaking or marker stains, see my Glass Whiteboard Review
  9. Need an SEO Audit for your website, look at my SEO Consulting Services
  10. KnowEm - Protect your brand, product or company name with a continually growing list of social media sites.
  11. Scribe SEO Review find out how to better optimize your wordpress posts.
  12. TigerTech - Great Web Hosting service at a great price.


Michael Gray - Graywolf's SEO Blog

Michael Gray - Graywolf's SEO Blog

Thanks to This Month’s Sponsors August 2010

Posted: 30 Aug 2010 08:08 AM PDT

Post image for Thanks to This Month's Sponsors August 2010

I’d like to say thanks to the people who sponsored the blog this month, without them there wouldn’t be regular posts here.

Text Link Ads – New customers can get $100 in free text links.

CrazyEgg.com – Supplement your analytics with action information from click tracking heat maps.

BOTW.org – Get a premier listing in the internet’s oldest directory.

Ezilon.com Regional Directory – Check to see if your website is listed!

Content Customs – Unique and high quality SEO writing services, providing webmasters with hundreds of SEO articles per week

Interested in seeing your message here? There are banner and RSS advertising options available find out more information. Be sure to check out our new Sponsored post option.

Here’s a list of some other programs and products I reccomend

Thesis Theme for WordPress – Hands down the best theme on the market right now, read my Thesis Theme for WordPress Review.

Scribe SEO – Improve your blog posts with this easy to use built in tool, read my Scribe SEO Review.

KnowEm – Protect your brand, product or company name with a continually growing list of social media sites, read an Interview with Michael Streko.

TigerTech – Great Web Hosting service at a great price, read my Tiger Tech Review.
Creative Commons License photo credit: levork

This post originally came from Michael Gray who is an SEO Consultant. Be sure not to miss the Thesis WordPress Theme review.

Thanks to This Month's Sponsors August 2010

tla starter kit

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  1. Text Link Ads - New customers can get $100 in free text links.
  2. CrazyEgg.com - Supplement your analytics with action information from click tracking heat maps.
  3. BOTW.org - Get a premier listing in the internet's oldest directory.
  4. Ezilon.com Regional Directory - Check to see if your website is listed!
  5. Page1Hosting - Class C IP Hosting starting at $2.99.
  6. Directory Journal - List your website in our growing web directory today.
  7. Content Customs - Unique and high quality SEO writing services, providing webmasters with hundreds of SEO articles per week
  8. Glass Whiteboards - For a professional durable white board with no ghosting, streaking or marker stains, see my Glass Whiteboard Review
  9. Need an SEO Audit for your website, look at my SEO Consulting Services
  10. KnowEm - Protect your brand, product or company name with a continually growing list of social media sites.
  11. Scribe SEO Review find out how to better optimize your wordpress posts.
  12. TigerTech - Great Web Hosting service at a great price.




Heliotrope: Sustainable Solar Home that Generates More Energy than it Consumes

Posted: 28 Aug 2010 08:40 PM PDT

With talks of going green and environmental conservation, this house is just what we need. Generally solar powered houses have neither been the most efficient nor sustaining, but this rotating house might just change all of that.

German architect Rolf Disch has built a home, called Heliotrope, that is able to generate five times the solar energy that it consumes.

The way it does this is by rotating itself to follow the rays of the sun throughout the day. The structure features a 6.6 kWH solar panel (called the Sun Sail) on the rooftop that is able to rotate independently from the house to produce more than enough energy for the house to consume. The advantage this provides is 30 to 40 percent more energy generation than that of the traditional rooftop solar panels.

The balcony railings on the roof double as solar thermal collectors that act as water heaters and radiators. On a cloudy day, the house can be heated with wood chips and the solar thermal heating.

Technology within the house is also green, with waste water being re-used after going through a purification system, and rainwater is collected in a rooftop basin. Even human waste matter is turned into compost through the toilet system.

The architect himself lives within the prototype of the house and two other Heliotropes have been built to date, costing $2 million each.

Here is a video tour of the house. Unfortunately it is in German, so for those who don’t understand the language, make what you will of it.

Design wise, this isn’t the most aesthetic house I’ve seen, but with all the green technological advances that make up what the house is, I do think that this house can make a difference. Though something may have to be done about that steep pricetag to make it available for everyone.


Michael Gray - Graywolf's SEO Blog

Michael Gray - Graywolf's SEO Blog

The SEO Community – A Tale of Friends and Scorpions

Posted: 26 Aug 2010 07:32 AM PDT

Post image for The SEO Community – A Tale of Friends and Scorpions

This is a post that may anger you and piss you off, but hopefully it makes you think a little. But I think a lot of the people in the SEO community are short sighted and are willing to sacrifice themselves and the community as whole if they see the chance to get a link or exposure. Much like the scorpion in the tale of the frog and the scorpion, they can’t help themselves even when it means their own self destruction.

I’ve been in this field for a log time. I’ve seen a lot things and gotten a lot of help from people who came before me, and I appreciate the value they contributed in teaching me a trade that allowed me to start my own business. This is why I am so disappointed by the current trend to sacrifice yourself, someone else, a tactic, or even a whole community in exchange for a short term goal that, in the end, isn’t worth it.

I was an editor at threadwatch for a number of years. You could argue that it was at Threadwatch and WebmasterWorld where I paid my dues, cut my teeth, and got my exposure (and officially became a pain in Matt Cutt’s ass ). I learned how to write front page promotion worthy posts and how to craft click enticing titles. It was sad when Threadwatch became a victim of its own success and the site owner had to make the tough call and cut people out, but it was a necessary move. Sadly Threadwatch eventually consumed itself and needed to be shut down. To be honest it was overdue, but it was still sad and, like a self asphyxia masturbation session, the last moments weren’t pretty.

Let’s turn to sphinn: when it started out, it was great, but it too became a victim of its own success. It started to descend into a never ending stream of 2nd rate top 10 lists and a shameless dumping ground that was little more than a second RSS feed for some sites ( I love you search engine journal, but you gotta admit to being heavy on the sphinn submissions). As a result, people stopped looking and visiting and quality spiraled downward. This shouldn’t be taken as an attack on the sphinn editors: it’s hard for them to promote good stuff if no one bothers submitting it in the first place. There’s still some good valuable content there but wading through all the crap to find it is often not worth the effort. My belief that the SEO community can’t act in its own best interests was reinforced.

Recently I started playing with a new ipad app called flipboard. One of the things it does is extract content from links from your Facebook and Twitter stream and displays them in newspaper format. To be honest, I really manage both my Twitter and Facebook friends and follow lists very carefully. I try to keep them filled only with people I trust and consider friends or whose tweeted links I honestly enjoy. It may make me an elitist but, like I said, I don’t trust most of you to not spam up my timeline with your own self promotional or nepotistic crap. Some times I unfriend or stop following people who are friends because of the volume they tweet or their tendency to burst tweet (the irony of this situation isn’t lost on me).

It’s my belief that, in the long term, you can’t maintain an SEO community website without heavy moderation and trusted editors guiding the content. IMHO the best places for this currently is the subscribers section of WebmasterWorld or the paid forum on SEObook. There is still some valuable content on sphinn, I just wish it it went to editorially promoted only stories or ruthlessly culled the second rate submissions. I wish it were otherwise but most of you are simply too untrustworthy.

To be honest, there’s a reason you don’t see old timers wasting their time spamming SEO communities: they have figured out there’s more value in going after client work or focusing on their own projects. The SEO fame game is a futile one ’cause a wallet full of famous will never pay the rent.
Creative Commons License photo credit: kevinzim

This post originally came from Michael Gray who is an SEO Consultant. Be sure not to miss the Thesis WordPress Theme review.

The SEO Community – A Tale of Friends and Scorpions

tla starter kit

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  1. Text Link Ads - New customers can get $100 in free text links.
  2. CrazyEgg.com - Supplement your analytics with action information from click tracking heat maps.
  3. BOTW.org - Get a premier listing in the internet's oldest directory.
  4. Ezilon.com Regional Directory - Check to see if your website is listed!
  5. Page1Hosting - Class C IP Hosting starting at $2.99.
  6. Directory Journal - List your website in our growing web directory today.
  7. Content Customs - Unique and high quality SEO writing services, providing webmasters with hundreds of SEO articles per week
  8. Glass Whiteboards - For a professional durable white board with no ghosting, streaking or marker stains, see my Glass Whiteboard Review
  9. Need an SEO Audit for your website, look at my SEO Consulting Services
  10. KnowEm - Protect your brand, product or company name with a continually growing list of social media sites.
  11. Scribe SEO Review find out how to better optimize your wordpress posts.
  12. TigerTech - Great Web Hosting service at a great price.


Michael Gray - Graywolf's SEO Blog

Michael Gray - Graywolf's SEO Blog

Repeat Business: There’s More of You to Love

Posted: 25 Aug 2010 07:16 AM PDT

Post image for Repeat Business: There’s More of You to Love

Are you familiar with the following concept?  It is much easier and more cost effective to sell to existing customers than it is to acquirer a new one.  Which one would you rather have?  Sell 50 items to 5 people or 50 items to 50 people.  When you are designing and tweaking your marketing campaigns, be sure to include your current customer base and maximum their profit potential.  Here are several ways to do just that, give your customers a reason to come back for more.

Special Discount Offers

I recently purchased something from an online retailer.  When I received my package, I noticed there was a discount coupon inside that I could use on my next purchase.  I’m a sucker for coupons and many consumers are.  It is a great way to encourage and entice your customers to order again.  For best results, the coupon should have a higher discount value than what is normally offered to the general public on sites like Retailmenot.com.  The discount should also be a one-time use coupon.  This will prevent others from sharing it online and reduce the perceived value.

Make them Feel Good by Giving Back

Everyone likes to feel good and there are lots of ways you can make your customer’s day.  For example, have you ever been to a bar, had a few drinks and then the bartender says “This one is on me.”?  Did it not put a smile on your face and make you love that bar even more so?  Now, I’m sure the bartender doesn’t actually pay for the drink, but has the authority from the owner to give out free drinks as he/she sees fit.  Customers also do not like to feel inconvenienced.  When was the last time this happened to you?  You walk into a store and your purchase comes out to $4.04.  You hand the cashier five ones and she gives you back 96 cents in change.  Don’t you just love all that change?  Why couldn’t the cashier simply say “The 4 cents is on us.”?  Not only would it speed up the checkout process, but also make the customer feel valued.

Email Clubs

Many businesses, especially restaurants are starting to see the value behind email clubs.  An email club should be designed to notify customers of special promotions, pricing and discount offers.  This type of communication creates a unique connection with your clients.  Not only does it allow you to directly contact your clients on an ongoing basis, but constantly reminds them of your brand.


The well known 80/20 business rule states that 80% of your business will come from 20% 0f your customers.  Whether this applies to you or not, you should give your most profitable clients the VIP treatment.  The customers that love you the most by spending the most money with your company are the ones that have the most to give back.  Those customers are more likely to tell others about your products or services.   There are countless ways to give your customers the VIP treatment.  Some examples could be an exclusive customer service number, special VIP discounts, higher reward points or a personal relationship manager if you sell an ongoing service.

Reward Programs

Reward / loyalty card programs seem to be very popular today.  There can be a lot of value in this type of program, but it is also the least favorite of mine for several reasons.  Most reward programs require the customer to keep track of their rewards.  They also usually require multiple visits or purchases before any type of reward kicks in.  Take JCPenney’s rewards program.  You earn one point for every dollar you spend.  Once you reach 250 points, you receive a $10 store credit.  The kicker is you must earn the 250 points within 30 days.  This is not very appealing unless you have a major purchase.  Consumers like instant gratification.  The closest you have to it, the better.

So give your loyal customers more reasons to love you.  By doing so, you increase your chance of them telling their friends about your company.
Creative Commons License photo credit: seanmcgrath

This post originally came from Michael Gray who is an SEO Consultant. Be sure not to miss the Thesis WordPress Theme review.

Repeat Business: There’s More of You to Love

tla starter kit

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  5. Page1Hosting - Class C IP Hosting starting at $2.99.
  6. Directory Journal - List your website in our growing web directory today.
  7. Content Customs - Unique and high quality SEO writing services, providing webmasters with hundreds of SEO articles per week
  8. Glass Whiteboards - For a professional durable white board with no ghosting, streaking or marker stains, see my Glass Whiteboard Review
  9. Need an SEO Audit for your website, look at my SEO Consulting Services
  10. KnowEm - Protect your brand, product or company name with a continually growing list of social media sites.
  11. Scribe SEO Review find out how to better optimize your wordpress posts.
  12. TigerTech - Great Web Hosting service at a great price.


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