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100 Adsense dollars per day

How to keep your readers longer

Posted: 22 Oct 2010 03:56 PM PDT

All the blogger who are experimenting and learning like me struggle to keep our blog readers enough time on our blog for various reasons. It is sort of the nature of the blogs not like normal websites. Readers just jump in for updates and as soon as they get it they move to the next blog.

Most of us already know that providing original content and well flow of the blog post can attract the readers and make them at least read the whole blog post. However, if you are blogger like me you already know that how hard it is to produce original news or content regularly. There are lot of challenges even though it is the perfect answer it is hard.

I did a small trick.

I choose couple of blog posts that Google already love and sending search engine readers. Only think I did is to add a relevant and interesting Youtube video to it.  I love watching watching a video than reading and I noticed that most of the visitors who are just passing by love it too. It increased the average time on post significantly. It is important that you give a summery of the  video that will make them watch it and select a short and sweet video. People don't like to stay hours watching a video.

Great how dose this impact my AdSense earning. It did not improve the click through rate or number of AdSense impressions but value of the Ads. I start getting more out of a single click on the ad. Like I always noticed it is game of balancing everything and improving every single factor to gain a better AdSense earning.

You can give it a try and it will definitely improve the average time on your blog or blog post and it will have a positive impact on your AdSense earnings as well. 

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