

360-Degree 3D Fog Display

Posted: 29 Mar 2011 02:00 AM PDT

By now, 3D displays are nothing new, with 3D being rampant everywhere from the cinemas, to your home theatre system and even to handheld gaming devices. Some of these systems have improved upon the idea, with the first step in removing the ever prevalent 3D glasses.

Now, the researchers at Osaka Universiti‘s Oshiro Lab have taken this 3D technology a step further, by inventing what they call a ‘true 3D display’. This display discards both the glasses and a monitor screen, opting instead to project their image onto a fog screen.

The so-called 360-Degree Observable Fog Display uses 3 projectors, at different angles, to project a different picture each onto a cylindrical fog screen.

View the video here to see how looks in action.

The team is now working to improve on the technology to make the fog screen more stable and with the addition of more projectors, the makers say that they could potentially build a much larger 360-degree screen.

Projecting images on fog screens is not a new technology, yet I wonder why people have not thought of using multiple projectors to make a 3D image before. The image projector does look a little shaky at the moment, but hopefully the team will be able to come up with a much more stable surface to project upon. Technology like this makes me think of holograms from those sci-fi movies we all know and love.

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