

Intel research makes Legos and Groceries interactive

Posted: 29 Nov 2010 04:54 AM PST

As our technology advances, so it has mingled the virtual and the real world. The best example of this intermingling is known as augmented reality, in which real-world objects can be used to interact with the virtual world and vice versa.

Helping this along is depth cameras that allow you to carry out various tricks with the ability to detect real-world objects with quite the degree of accuracy.

Intel’s research lab in Seattle is now researching the techniques and usages for what they call the “Kinect style” depth cameras.

Among the research, they have developed the OASIS (Object Aware Situated Interaction System) project that combine the depth camera and a projector resulting in some very interesting augmented reality applications.

One of these applications deals with our all time favourite building block/toy, Legos. It can effectively bring the Legos to life (as pictured above). View the demonstration video here: OASIS: Playing Lego with Kinect style camera and interactive projector system

The other idea adds a new degree of interactivity to everyday objects, and in this case, they’re your groceries. This allows you to manage your grocery lists using real fruits and vegetables. It can even warn you when you’ve left your ice-cream sitting on the counter for too long! View the demonstration video here: OASIS: Object Aware Situated Interactive System (Kitchen)

One more project they are working on is a system that can map a room just by walking around with a depth camera, which can then of course be navigated using the very same depth camera and a pair of 3D goggles.

I love to see augmented reality technology being developed upon and I believe we truly are just years away from seeing it implemented in everyday life.




Cool science with Nokia’s ice touchscreen

Posted: 23 Nov 2010 04:48 PM PST

Touchscreens have graced many a device, and they’re seen almost everywhere today, from kiosks on the street, to the various hand-held devices we use everyday.

Putting a twist to the old formula, Nokia’s research lab in Tampere, Finland has built a touchscreen display out of blocks of ice.

The results of this research project probably won’t find it’s way into a mobile phone, Nokia has come up with this very unique touchscreen display that’s certain to wow the masses. Although it is not entirely made of ice, with external components, such as a projector and an array of near-infrared cameras that are connected to a PC, it’s pretty much just an ice multitouch display.

Nokia says that, though the project is a “playful experiment’, it goes to show that “interactive computing interfaces can now be built anywhere.”

Check out the video and see for yourselves the results of this interesting interface.

I think this goes to show that touch-surfaces are not limited to a monitor display. It’s certainly fascinating to think of how this can be further developed and applied onto large glass surfaces to make them gigantic touchscreens (a la Minority Report). As for present day applications of this technology, it would certainly be a great addition in the world famous Ice Hotel.


Michael Gray - Graywolf's SEO Blog

Michael Gray - Graywolf's SEO Blog

Create Landing Pages for Expired Information

Posted: 23 Nov 2010 08:26 AM PST

Post image for Create Landing Pages for Expired Information

I’ve discussed what to do when you have products that expire. But what do you do when you have services or information that expires? Is there a way to retain and even monetize that traffic?

Let’s say your company used to offer a service like computer security scanning or a real world service like car washes in your parking garage. For whatever reason these services weren’t profitable, and you stopped offering them. If your web pages rank and drive traffic, there’s no reason to give that up. Instead, try putting up a page explaining you no longer offer the service and why. If there’s someone else offering the service, you can be helpful by providing a link or two. If you’re looking to monetize the page, you can try adding some affiliate links or tasteful adsense integration.

If you’re looking for an example of this in practice, here’s a page from the Hayden Planetarium in New York about the laser shows they no longer offer. When they redid the planetarium a few years ago, the new ceiling removed the need for a laser projector.

Page from Hayden Planetarium about laser shows no longer offered

In most cases I would recommend leaving the original URL unless you have a really good reason to move it. If you do move it be sure to issue the proper 301 response code.

So what are the takeaways from this post:

  • Look for opportunities to keep traffic for keywords and phrases for services you no longer offer
  • Change the content to let then users know that you no longer offer the service or that the information has expired
  • Look for ways to upsell to a new service on your site, or link to someone who can
  • Look for ways to monetize with affiliate links or adsense
  • Try to keep the URL consistent; if not, issue a 301 redirect

Creative Commons License photo credit: Ralph Hockens of the new Hayden Planetarium.

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This post originally came from Michael Gray who is an SEO Consultant. Be sure not to miss the Thesis Wordpress Theme review.

Create Landing Pages for Expired Information


Michael Gray - Graywolf's SEO Blog

Michael Gray - Graywolf's SEO Blog

The Dangers of Having Multiple Website Versions

Posted: 22 Nov 2010 07:36 AM PST

Post image for The Dangers of Having Multiple Website Versions

With the proliferation of smart phones of varying screen sizes, flash compatibility, and most recently apple tv and google tv, many website owners are choosing to solve this problem with multiple sites and domains. While this solution can work, there are plenty of ways it can go wrong. In this post I’ll try to help you understand why this is usually not the best choice.

First, let’s make sure we are talking about the same issue. When I talk about creating multiple websites I mean having example.com for desktops, having m.example.com for mobile users, and example.tv for tv-based browsers like apple tv and google tv. Additionally, you could also have separate domains, sub domains, or folders for flash/non-flash content. The first problem is this creates a huge maintenance point. Unless you have the staff and budget, maintaining multiple versions of the same website is going to consume a larger and larger amount of resources. The more pages you have, the more versions you will have to maintain, and it will grow exponentially.

In my experience using multiple websites to solve platform specific content formatting issues is seldom the best choice and leads to bigger problems down the road…
Another negative aspect is buildup of links. If you have multiple versions, all of those versions will start to build link equity, both internal link equity and external link equity. You could try and do some redirection but, unless you handle redirection is perfectly, it inevitably leads to link trust/equity being divided across multiple resources and lower overall rankings. In my experience you are much better off using one domain with one URL implementation, no matter what/where/how the end user is viewing your content.

That’s not to say you shouldn’t change your content based on what the user is using to view your content or where they came from (see changing your content based on traffic intent). What I am saying is keep the domain/URL consistent and change the presentation via server side code and style sheets. This is also what Google recommends in their google tv implementation guide . The one place I will caution using Google’s advice is with 302 redirects. IMHO Google has a sketchy history handling 302′s, and I would steer clear of that issue entirely.

In addition to maintenance and link equity, you need to think about the user experience. If people are sharing your URL and it crosses platforms, like desktop to mobile, desktop to tv, tv to mobile, or mobile to tv, there is the potential for things to go wrong. Unless you redirect based on browser platform, you will run the risk of serving content that’s formatted incorrectly and might not be readable/usable. Want a real life scenario? Let’s say I’m reading Facebook on my iphone and click a link that one of my friends posted. If they posted a link to the TV version and I try to view it on my mobile phone, it’s not going to work.

In my experience using multiple websites to solve platform specific content formatting issues is seldom the best choice and leads to bigger problems down the road.

What are the takeaways from this post:

  • Use a single domain to serve all of your content
  • Use a single URL on that domain to serve content, for every platform and user agent
  • Use style sheets or server side scripting to serve content optimized or properly formatted for different platforms
  • Use country specific tld’s or subdomains only for different countries or languages

The one instance where I feel it’s advisable to use multiple domains or subdomains is country level tld’s or for different languages. If you own example.com and have a French version I would use example.fr, example.com/fr/ or fr.example.com to serve content, especially if you are trying to capture traffic from French language searches and search engines like google.fr.

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This post originally came from Michael Gray who is an SEO Consultant. Be sure not to miss the Thesis Wordpress Theme review.

The Dangers of Having Multiple Website Versions




Xi3 Computer Cube

Posted: 19 Nov 2010 01:34 AM PST

Sure, there have been countless CPU designs and mods that people have made, but this is by far the more interesting ones I’ve seen.

This very cube is a computer. It’s made by the company Xi3 and within the aluminium case, there are three separate boards – one holds the AMD Athlon 64 processor and 2GB of DDR2 RAM, another the power/video card, and the last the input/outputs.

The Xi3 Modular Computar is ment to be tinkered with, and in addition to the internal boards, it has only two sides, eight screws, and different coloured chassis (for you to customise to your liking).

To quote Jason A. Sullivan, President and CEO of Xi3 Corporation, "We reject the concept that computers should have a useful life of only two to four years. Instead we believe that computers should be upgradeable and updateable over and over and over again, and that's how we've designed the Xi3 Modular Computer, making it (potentially) the last computer you ever need to buy."

As for pricing, the base model, which includes a 1.8GHz AMD Athlon 64 processor, 2GB of RAM, and 8GB of flash storage costs US$850. That’s quite expensive considering it doesn’t come with a Windows OS. The company is aiming this at the embedded market, but that doesn’t mean you couldn’t configure it with a larger hard drive, and install your OS of choice on it.

The model is available for purchase now at Xi3′s website.


Michael Gray - Graywolf's SEO Blog

Michael Gray - Graywolf's SEO Blog

Doing Things That Are Press Worthy

Posted: 18 Nov 2010 08:17 AM PST

Post image for Doing Things That Are Press Worthy

Since search engines aren’t fond of paid linking and social network voting websites are on the decline, publishers have to look for new ways to get attention and links. While it may seem at first glance to be a bit old school, doing things that are “press worthy” are still an effective, legitimate method of getting links.

When I talk about being press worthy, what am I actually talking about? There are a few different options which I’ll take a look at.

Research and Whitepapers

This is probably one of the oldest but still effective methods for getting attention and links. The problem is that doing good, interesting research takes time and energy, and most publishers are looking for a quick, easy hit. What are some examples that I consider good? Look at Trendwatching: every month they put out an in-depth, thoughtful piece of work about a current trend or topic. Yes, it takes a bit of work, but it’s very interesting and extremely link worthy. Another example: OK Cupid put out a post about pictures on dating sites. One of the interesting conclusions they reached was iPhone users typically had more sexual partners than other users. While you can debate the good/bad aspects of the research, there is no denying it’s link worthy.

Unless you have some extremely draconian privacy policy, you should be able to use your internal customer data to come up with something interesting. Just be sure to use it in aggregate and anonymize it so no one is personally identifiable. If you’re an affiliate or ore middleman without customer data, you’ll just have to get creative. Try taking a survey on Facebook giving everyone who fills out the survey a chance to win a prize or gift certifificate. If that doesn’t work, try looking at other related sites for interesting things. For example, if you run a video game site, look at what related items stores recommend with video game purchases. Last year Amazon was recomending the fleshlight (nsfw) to people who where buying World of Warcraft.

Contests and Sweepstakes

Contests and sweepstakes are another well established method of being press worthy. You will have to be careful because contest laws vary wildly, so do some research first. Try to choose a prize that will get users who are interested in your subject. For examole don’t give away an ipad unless you are a website about ipads. Another example: I used to run a reality tv show website. At the beginning of every season of Survivor, we would give away a DVD box set from the previous season.

Reviews and Demo Units

Giving away reviews and demo units is another long standing method of getting press. To be honest this can be a bit of a tight rope walk. Google is perfectly fine with giving out free phones and free google tv service as a press building event. However, I have first hand experience with them profiling SEO’s for the exact same behavior. My advice: avoid the linking issue, don’t bring it up, and let people do what they want on their own. Secondly do not involve an SEO at all.

This type of behavior isn’t reserved for people who make or produce physical goods. Software and service producers can use it as well. You could try randomly giving away free units to people who tweet they would like to try your service.

Discounts and Promo Codes

When you are first starting out one of the quickest ways to get new customers is to offer a discount. It gets people on board and talking about your product or service. A lot of companies will give discounts to people they meet at trade shows or other real world events. If you are physical real world business, services like groupon are another possibility. Just remember there are good and bad aspects of Groupon, so do your homework first.

Controversy and debate

While it does have some negative aspects, picking a fight, making outrageous claims, or starting a debate are all time-tested methods of link building and getting press. You have to be careful here: not everyone can pick a fight and not look like a jerk when it’s over. Additionally you want to be careful about who you pick a fight with because you dont want to come off as a bully.

Sometimes making outrageous claims works and, depending on who you are, you can fool a lot of people. Just be careful how you frame it because you don’t want to come off looking like the boy who cried wolf. You could also ask industry experts to speculate on a new product or future event, put all of their answers into one article, and publish that.

Using Press Releases

When you are doing something press worthy, be sure the press knows about it. Use services like PRWeb, PRleap and others to make sure your efforts get seen. I recently did an interview with Merrick Lozano of PR Leap about getting more out of press releases. When you invest the time, you want to get the most links and attention for your efforts.
Creative Commons License photo credit: inju

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This post originally came from Michael Gray who is an SEO Consultant. Be sure not to miss the Thesis Wordpress Theme review.

Doing Things That Are Press Worthy


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